Choral Evensong tomorrow Weds 16th May on BBC3

St Pancras Church, London (London Festival of Contemporary Church Music)
Live from St Pancras Church, as part of the London Festival of Contemporary Church Music.

Introit: Adoro te Devote (Gabriel Jackson) first broadcast

Responses: Phillip Cooke

Office Hymn: O Christ, our hope, our hearts’ desire (Bedford Row)

Psalms: 15, 24 (Léon Charles)

First Lesson: 2 Samuel 23 vv1-5

St Pancras Canticles (Joseph Phibbs) first broadcast

Second Lesson: Colossians 2 v20 – 3 v4

Anthem: Viri Galilei (Patrick Gowers)

Final Hymn: The head that once was crowned with thorns (St Magnus)

Organ Voluntary: Fantasia 150 (Paul Ayres)

Christopher Batchelor (Director of Music)

Léon Charles (Assistant Organist)

(rpt Sun 20th May)

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Choral Evensong is aired twice weekly – live at 3.30pm on Wednesday and repeated at 4pm Sunday. Choral Evensong was first broadcast on Thursday 7 October 1926 live from Westminster Abbey and has been broadcast weekly on BBC Radio ever since.