GB news – 15th May

Church shows its feminine face as dog collars go floral; Church of England Canons; Scotland: Churches in education link-up; Wales – Ministry and Calling Sunday; Cathedral appeal raises thousands for Zimbabwe teenagers; Prayer movement as CofE considers women bishops; Christian Aid disappointed after Queens Speech neglects aid; Scout volunteering week launches

Church shows its feminine face as dog collars go floral
Telegraph – The decision to admit women to the priesthood was always expected to change the face of the Church of England forever.

Church of England Canons

The seventh edition of the Canons of the Church of England was recently published. Paper copies are available for purchase from Church House Publishing and elsewhere, and a Kindle version is available from Amazon.

Scotland: Churches in education link-up
ACNS – Two Churches in the region have signed a ground-breaking co-operation agreement. Representatives of the Church of Scotland’s Presbytery of Annandale and Eskdale and the Galloway District of Glasgow and Galloway diocese of the Scottish Episcopal Church have signed a Learning Agreement. The two denominations undertake to share resources, support and expertise for training and education. The goal is to equip and empower members of both denominations for Christian mission and ministry.

Ministry and Calling Sunday – May 20: Churches pray for next generation of leaders
ACNS – Parishioners will pray for people called to lead churches at special services across Wales on May 20.

Ministry and Calling Sunday focuses on people thinking about becoming or training to be priests in the Church in Wales. The day is part of a wider drive by the church to seek out its next generation of leaders.

The services will have prayers and readings themed around ministry and people will be invited to think about whether they, or anyone they know, may have a vocation to be a priest.

The Bishop of St Asaph, Gregory Cameron, who leads the Church’s vocations strategy called Here I Am, Send Me, will be at a service at St Margaret’s Church, Wrexham.
He said, “Every human being finds fullness of life in doing what God has made that person to do.  Ministry and Calling Sunday seeks to put the question to everyone ‘What did God make you to achieve in life?’  In particular, the Church wants to discover those whose gifts and calling are to lead the Church in the future – and that leadership could come from the most surprising directions, so we want to cast the net as widely as possible.”

People can find out more about vocation and serving the church online at the Church’s Vocation Wales website. It includes video clips of people describing times in their lives when they valued the ministry of a priest and new leaflets which can be downloaded, about all aspects of ministry.

Cathedral appeal raises thousands for Zimbabwe teenagers
Christian Today – Parishioners in Llandaff have raised thousands of pounds for homeless teenagers in Zimbabwe. A record £14,000 was raised through Llandaff Cathedral’s Lent Appeal, which was launched this year in aid of the Tariro Project. The church-run charity gives young people in Harare the chance of a home and an education. 
The Dean of Llandaff, John Lewis, thanked those who supported the appeal.

Prayer movement as CofE considers women bishops
Christian Today – A prayer movement is being launched to coincide with a meeting of bishops in the Church of England

Christian Aid disappointed after Queens Speech neglects aid
Christian Today – Christian Aid has expressed its disappointment after the Queens Speech failed to make mention of legislation on aid spending

Scout volunteering week launches
Up to 525,000 Scouts across the UK are set to take part in their first week of community volunteering since “bob-a-job” week ended 20 years ago.