GB news – 16th May

Queen ‘should remain Defender of the Faith’ – BBC poll; Bishop of Edinburgh consecrated; CMS readvertises for new leader; Church of England to assert right to minerals; Re-Imagining the Church of England; The last taboo is denying us all a ‘good death’, warns Archbishop of York; Catholic Church is not for respectable people  

Queen ‘should remain Defender of the Faith’ – BBC poll
BBC News – As the Queen celebrates 60 years as the supreme governor of the Church of England, a BBC poll indicates almost 80% of people in England support a religious role for the monarch. Meanwhile, 73% said she should continue as supreme governor of the Church of England and keep the Defender of the Faith title first given to Henry VIII. Comres polled 2591 people about links between the Church and monarchy. But while only 15% of people …

The Rt Rev Dr John Armes – Bishop of Edinburgh  
About 800 people witnessed the consecration and installation of John Armes as the Bishop of Edinburgh in a special service in St Mary’s Cathedral, Palmerston Place, Edinburgh on Saturday 12 May. The service of consecration and installation was led by the

Most Rev David Chillingworth, Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church who said:  “John Armes has had a distinctive ministry as Rector of St John’s Church, Princes Street and has placed the ministry of the Scottish Episcopal Church at the heart of the City of Edinburgh.

He now has the opportunity of exercising a wider leadership role in the Diocese of Edinburgh. I am delighted to welcome him to the College of Bishops.”

In preparing for his consecration, John Armes said “The last few weeks have been a whirl of activity and I’m enormously excited now to begin work as the new Bishop of Edinburgh.

There are huge challenges facing our church, our nation and our world and I believe that the vision of God’s love in Christ can inspire us to meet these challenges.”

The Rt Rev Dr John Armes is the 26th Bishop of Edinburgh . He was elected Bishop of Edinburgh in February this year following the retirement of the Rt Rev Brian Smith in August 2011.

Anglican mission agency readvertises for new leader
ACNS – The historic Anglican mission agency CMS (Church Mission Society) is re-advertising for an Executive Leader after not appointing first time around.
The search process for a new person to lead the mission agency began late last year following the appointment of the organisation’s Community Leader Revd Canon Tim Dakin to the bishopric of Winchester.

The agency, founded in 1799, now has more than 2500 members and over 200 global mission partners. It is seeking “a spiritually mature, committed Christian, passionate about mission and prayer, who can be a compelling role model for the ideals, ethos and values of CMS, working primarily within the Anglican Communion.” They must be a “clear communicator of vision, inspiring faith and hope in others, a team player with proven leadership skills, able to lead, motivate and manage staff, partners and members, confident in relating to people at all levels.”

CMS is also looking for someone with experience of cross-cultural working, collaboration and partnership and a strong track record of leading change in an influential, complex organisation

To learn more about the position visit the CMS website at http://bit.ly/JuMFYD

Church of England to assert right to minerals
Telegraph – The Church of England has embarked on a legal campaign to assert its rights to minerals under the ground across the country, to the alarm of home owners.

Re-Imagining the Church of England: Social Action and Civic Role  
ACNS – ResPublica has announced the launch of a new research project: ‘Re-Imagining The Church of England: Social Action and Civic Role’. Supported by a number of senior bishops in the Church of England, the project will explore the role and value of the established Church for communities and the national political sphere in Britain today.

The last taboo is denying us all a ‘good death’, warns Archbishop of York  
Telegraph – A modern obsession with “medicalising” and “institutionalising” death is depriving thousands of Britons a year the possibility of a “good” end, the Archbishop of York warns.

Taboos about discussing mortality mean too many of us will be denied the basic dignity of spending our final moments with our loved ones, according to Dr John Sentamu.
In a highly personal intervention, he speaks about his own mother’s painful death from cancer and calls for dying to become an almost public moment, “accepted into our homes” rather than “shut away” in a lonely hospital ward.
He argues that the debate about legalising assisted suicide has been allowed to dominate discussion about death, with alternative ways of dealing with terminal illness rarely discussed.
The Archbishop’s comments come as research shows that only one in three people in Britain has ever discussed their wishes for the end of their life with a loved-one.
Eight out of 10 people admit being uncomfortable speaking openly about the prospect of our own death, even though a third think about it privately as often as once a week.

Let’s not be afraid to talk about death
Telegraph – It’s a collaboration of over 16000 members, including hospices, care homes, charities, health and care professionals, the Church of England and other religious groups, as well as families and individuals who are themselves facing the end of life.

Hilary Mantel: Catholic Church is not for respectable people
Telegraph – I might very well call for a Church of England vicar, but I would not call for a Catholic priest. “I’m one of nature’s Protestants. I should never have been brought up as a Catholic. I think that nowadays the Catholic Church is not an institution for …