Irish news – 16th May

News from the dioceses and links to media reports including Gay row cleric ‘should clarify whether relationship is sexual’ – Bishop of Down

Gay row cleric ‘should clarify whether relationship is sexual’ – Bishop of Down
Belfast Newsletter – Dean Tom Gordon – whose civil partnership last summer led to the current Church of Ireland debate about homosexuality – should state whether he is in a sexual relationship, Bishop Harold Miller has said. In his first public comments about Dean Gordon’s …



Radio discussion
A discussion of the synod motion on sexuality on Sunday Sequence involving the Bishop of Down and Canon Ginnie Kinnerley of Changing Attitudes Ireland can be heard on BBC i-player at :

Ecumenical Open Air Service
St Doulagh’s Church on the (R107) Malahide Road at Balgriffin is holding its annual ecumenical open air Service of Praise on Sunday May 27 at 3.30 pm in St Doulagh’s Field beside the ancient yet vibrant centre of Christian worship. All are welcome to come along and join in praising God for his goodness to us all. There will be many well known and loved hymns to sing and special guests, the Dublin Conservative Club Male Voice Choir, will also perform. Music will be provided by 1st Dublin Company Boys’ Brigade brass.
The guest speaker, Revd Canon Trevor Stevenson from the Fields of Life Trust, will tell of the work they undertake to bring life and water to so many families in Africa. During the service a collection will be taken up for the work of “ Fields of Life “. Following the service there will be guided tours of the Church, which dates back to around the sixth century, and grounds. Bus no’s 42 & 43 stop outside. There will be parking by kind permission in the grounds of St Doulagh’s Park opposite the Church.
Diocesan Children’s Praise Party
Down and Dromore diocesan wide Children’s Praise Party on Saturday 19th May with special guest Nick Harding in Moira Parish Hall from 2.00pm–5.00pm
Nick Harding is the Children’s Ministry Adviser for the Anglican Diocese of Southwell and Nottingham. He is a lay member of the General Synod, was the inaugural Chair of the Trustees of Godly Play UK, has been a Trustee of Scripture Union for 9 years, and is a well–known conference speaker and trainer. When not at work Nick is a dad to two excellent teenage boys, husband to a patient wife, leads worship and ministry at his local church, and is a magistrate.
Nick is the author of several books on children’s work and all–age worship. He has also written for teenagers and on the subject of the church and boys.

Flower Festival, Christ Church Lisburn
.Christ Church Lisburn is celebrating 100 years of Mothers’ Union with a Flower Festival entitled, “Yesterday, Today & Forever,” 31st May – 3rd June 2012
Designed & Coordinated by Revd William McMillan MBE, International Flower Designer, with members of Ballymacash Flower Club.
•    Thursday 31st May – opening service at 7:30pm (Lady Christine Eames)
•    Friday 1st June – 10am – 9pm
•    Saturday 2nd June – 10am – 8pm
•    Sunday 3rd June – 1pm – 6pm
•    Sunday 3rd June – closing service at 7:00pm (Bishop Alan Abernethy)
Morning Coffee / Afternoon Tea / Lunch / High Tea Available – large or small groups catered for by arrangement.
For further details please contact:

Marie Anderson, tel: 02892 665636 
Valerie Christy tel: 02892 683590  
Email: ivanj.anderson@yahoo.co.uk  or visit or www.christchurchlisburn.co.uk

Comment: Gays must be more involved if the Church of Ireland is to be more …
PinkNews.co.uk – On Saturday the General Synod of the Church of Ireland passed a motion on Human Sexuality in the Context of Christian Belief. While the motion in itself is not overtly homophobic, it has created a fear that it …

Church may never resolve gay dispute – says Bishop
Belfast Newsletter – A senior Church of Ireland bishop has said that he doubts whether the divide on homosexuality between conservatives and liberals in the church can be reconciled. The Bishop of Down and Dromore, Harold Miller, said that the debate over whether same-sex …

Democracy and the Church of Ireland…
Slugger O’Toole – I think it is important, therefore, to understand the extent to which the Church of Ireland recognises and embraces the status and role of the laity in the life of the church. That is why, in the House of Representatives, two-thirds of the membership …

Funerals in Ireland: What are your options?
thejournal.ie – Aside from a traditional church funeral – what can you plan? First thing’s first: just how do you go about organising a funeral? A newly-launched Irish website, Legacy Online, is offering a “streamlined alternative” to traditional funeral planning …

Carol Hunt: Innate deference to Rome still continues even now
Irish Independent – For example: the 1994 debacle regarding the inexcusable delay in the extradition of Brendan Smith to Northern Ireland; Michael Woods’s 2002 deal absolving the church of much of its financial responsibility for abuse committed within its institutions; …