Irish news – 4th September

Diocesan Service for Schools; Parish appointment; Online Archive; Organist vacancy; Royal Black Institution in contact with priest over trouble at parade  

Diocesan Service for Schools
The annual Dublin & Glendalough Diocesan Service for Pupils and Teachers of Primary Schools and Junior Schools will take place on Thursday September 27 at 11.00 am in Christ Church Cathedral.

Representatives of third level colleges, the College of Education, and all primary and junior schools in the United Dioceses are invited to attend this service to seek God’s blessing on the work carried out in schools and God’s blessing on pupils, teachers and all those who are involved with schools in the dioceses during the new academic year.

Parish appointment
The Revd Willie Nixon, currently incumbent of the Parish of Killaney and Carryduff in the Diocese of Down, has been appointed as incumbent of the Parish of Drumbeg in the Diocese of Down.

Online Archive – Irish Church Directory (1862)
With the onset of the decade of commemorations, the Church of Ireland’s RCB Library is marking the 150th anniversary of publication of The Irish Church Directory (now the Church of Ireland Directory) published annually since 1862, by digitizing the first edition.

This is online for the first time, but in the original format that it was published by James Charles, the proprietor and publisher of Irish Ecclesiastical Gazette – forerunner of the Church of Ireland Gazette – from its premises at 61 Middle Abbey Street Dublin, in 1862. Available from Monday 3September, it is the Library’s Archive of the Month feature.

The layout of the first Directory does not differ too much from the modern edition. The ecclesiastical calendar and lectionary (table of lessons) for the forthcoming year is provided, followed by an alphabetical list of the clergy with their post–towns (all that one needed in order to send a letter by post to members of the Church of Ireland clergy in the 19th century) and then the diocesan sections. These provide the meat of the volume and give the interested modern reader a fascinating snapshot view of the Church of Ireland at this time – a ‘who’s who’ of its personnel, precise information about its size and geographical extent, and also an insight to the value of its benefices.

In recent years, responsibility for editing this ever–increasing volume (now twice the size of the original and over 400 pages) has fallen to the Representative Church Body Library, which holds the only complete set of directories dating back to 1862. Today the Church of Ireland Directory remains an essential source of reference especially for members of boards of nomination who leaf its pages in the hopes of finding suitable rectors and clergy seeking new colleagues, as well as general researchers interested in the workings of the Church and its essential contact information.

To view the digitised 1862–edition of the Irish Church Directory see: www.ireland.anglican.org/library/archive

Organist vacancy
The Select Vestry of Hillsborough Parish Church will shortly begin the process of recruiting a new organist and musical director, following the resignation of Julie Bell who is to train for the ordained ministry. This is a paid, part–time position of employment.

The successful applicant will be required to play for both morning and evening services on Sunday, according to the church’s pattern of worship, as well as directing both the senior and junior church choirs (including Tuesday evening rehearsals). He or she will also continue to train and develop the voices within the mixed SATB and junior choirs,Additional rehearsals may be required in the build–up to major festivals in the church calendar, such as Advent, Christmas, Easter and Harvest.

At this time, the Vestry is inviting informal inquiries from anyone who might be interested in applying for the post, but who may require further information.

If this is the case, please contact Select Vestry Secretary Derek Gallop, preferably by email: datsgallop@aol.com – or by telephone on (028) 92 661953 or by telephone/text on 07899 868344.

Royal Black Institution in contact with priest over trouble at parade
The sovereign grand master of the Royal Black Institution has revealed that he has entered into communication with the priest of a Catholic church which was the scene of violence during a parade in north Belfast last weekend.

Millar Farr said his organisation will now conduct an inquiry into the incident in which seven police officers were injured when disorder broke out as loyalist bands passed the church.