A Thought, A Prayer and some Music for Today

Becoming like Paul who was converted from works and literalism to grace

A Thought

Paul’s letter to the Galatians is a passionate, even angry epistle. Paul charges certain Christian leaders with perverting the Gospel of Christ by insisting that Christians must follow the traditional laws of the Torah and must be circumcised. Paul’s opponents argued that without circumcision and Torah observance, Christians would be abandoning the revelation of God and the faith given to God’s people.

Paul experienced Christ’s revelation as a liberation from the law. Trying to live up to the letter of the law had only made him anxious — “Am I okay? Am I doing right?” Trying to live that “perfect life” made him both self absorbed and concerned with human approval. The central gift of the Gospel of Jesus was the experience of unqualified acceptance and love that freed him from such concerns. Paul will use the strongest polemical language he can to condemn the return to legalism.

For many people who have migrated to the Anglican Church, this letter reflects the same spirit of liberation that they have experienced having come out of fundamentalist traditions. The combination of biblical literalism and moralistic preaching produced confusion and anxiety. Trying to live that “perfect Christian life” became oppressive. People who have experienced liberation and a revived relationship with Christ because they have heard the Gospel of Christ’s unqualified acceptance and love which freed them from the anxiety and confusion of following a path of literalism, can get quite passionate – just like Paul who was converted from works and literalism to grace.

A Prayer
O God of all the prophets,
 you knew us and chose us
before you formed us in the womb.
 Fill us with faith that speaks your word,
hope that does not disappoint,
 and love that bears all things for your sake,
 until that day when we shall know you fully,
 even as we are known by you. Amen.

Take This Moment – Dunblane Cathedral – Songs of Praise