Don’t force churches to conduct gay weddings

Archbishop of York’s warning

Dr John Sentamu, the Archbishop of York has warned against forcing clergy to conduct same-sex civil partnerships as the UK Coalition government prepares to grant full marriage rights to homosexual couples – Tim Ross, Social Affairs editor, reports in The Daily Telegraph, following the Archbishop’s interview by the BBC, February 13.

The Liberal Democrat Equalities Minister, Lynne Featherstone, is expected to announce that churches, synagogues and other religious settings will be able to host civil partnership ceremonies for the first time.

As The Daily Telegraph reported in December, the Coalition is also considering extending homosexual rights to allow full “marriage” for same-sex couples.

Currently, the term “marriage” applies only to the union of a man and a woman.
Liberal Jewish groups, Quakers and other Christian organisations have been pressing the Coalition to introduce the civil partnership reforms, and gay rights campaigners welcomed the latest news.

The Church of England, however, has voiced its opposition. Senior Anglican officials have said the Church is unlikely to host civil partnerships, which would include religious readings and hymns under the plan.

Some critics fear the reforms could pave the way for legal challenges that would force vicars to conduct homosexual “wedding” ceremonies against their will.

Dr John Sentamu, the Archbishop of York, told BBC One’s Andrew Marr show: “I live in a liberal democracy and I want equality for everybody. I cannot say the Quakers shouldn’t do it.

“Nor do I want somebody to tell me the Church of England must do it or the Roman Catholic Church must do it because actually that is not what equality is about.”

The Liberal Democrats have supported equalising marriage laws for gay and straight couples. The party’s deputy leader, Simon Hughes, has predicted that a new law giving homosexual couples a right to full civil marriage could be introduced before the next election.

Ministers are still considering the issue but could bring forward plans for consultation later this month.

Stephen Parkinson, director of Forward in Faith, a traditionalist Anglican movement, said: “It is a matter for the Christian churches to order their own affairs. Her Majesty’s Government has no place interfering.”

He said he was concerned that individual churches could suffer the same fate as the Christian B&B owners who were recently sued for refusing to allow a gay couple to stay in a double room.

“Some lobby group could set about trying to provoke litigation,” he said. “The question would be whether it is litigation against the Church as an institution or more likely against poor, innocent ‘Rev Bloggs.’”

Quakers welcomed the plans. Michael Hutchinson, Acting Recording Clerk for Quakers in Britain, said: “This is about including all of our religious community in being able to publicly express their deep commitment. We wish to move further to allow legal marriage for same sex-couples but this is a welcome step along the way to full equality.”
Peter Tatchell, from the homosexual human rights campaign group, OutRage!, said allowing civil partnerships to take place in religious settings was “long overdue”.

“When the legal change comes into effect, no religious institution will be forced to perform civil partnerships. It will be up to them to decide,” he said.

“The next logical step is to end the ban on gay civil marriages. I urge the government to bring forward legislation to ensure marriage equality. Gay civil partnerships are not good enough. They are not equality. In a democratic society, everyone should be equal before the law. All couples – gay and heterosexual – should be able to get married in a civil ceremony in a register office.”

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