A UNIQUE resource for young people

New web site for youth gives faith perspective on relationships and sexual health

Are you delving into the topic of relationships as you work alongside young people?

Have you got questions as to how to do this?  Are you trying to find a resource to support what you do?


Approximately 2 years ago CIYD among other denominations and faith based organisations were invited to be a part of an initiative being set up through the Belfast Trust.  A Faith Sub Group was established to consider the needs of those working among young people, addressing the topic of relationships and sexual health not only from a health focus but from a faith perspective.

The Faith sub-group of the multi-agency Belfast Area Sexual Health Project Board has recently produced a brand new resource for young people in the area of relationships and sexual health. The resource, entitled ‘UNIQUE’ has been made available for every young person in the Trust area and is designed to help inform them in the areas of friendship, love, dating and sex.


The resource funded through the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust was distributed to youth workers. Youth centres and schools working in the Belfast + greater Belfast Area.  To further help support the use of this resource the group have just launched a website to advise parents, teachers and leaders as they relate to young people on these issues.  The website will contain lesson plans, group activities, games, theory and practical hints on how to help guide young people in their relationships.  The website is being launched week beginning 14 February see link below.


Young people often want more information and help around friendships and relationships than just romance and sex.  In response to this the Faith Sub Group has developed the UNIQUE resource and website to focus on teaching healthy relationships to young people.  This is something that is a priority to both Faith organisations and the health service .


CIYD State, “We truly hope this resource and website will be of value to you.  We anticipate that over time the website will continue to evolve, offering you up to date information, ideas, resources and publications regarding this topic.  There is no doubt that your role in young people’s lives, alongside parents, teachers and health professionals is crucial as they make decisions in this aspect of their lives.”

Please see www.unique-ni.org for more info.