Education is about the whole person

Canterbury – Education is about the whole person not just the economy
Education is about the whole person not just the economyand should be more than just learning facts,  say the Archbishop of Canterbury and church leaders in the run up to Education Sunday – February 20 – which this year takes the theme of ‘Firm Foundations’.

“Education is not just a process of learning facts or even skills. It should be a joyful and rich passing-on of the treasures God has given. Education Sunday is a wonderful opportunity to give thanks for this responsibility to enrich lives, and to renew our commitment to it, “said Dr Rowan Williams.

BBC Radio 4’s Beyond Belief takes a look at church and faith schools in the run up to Education Sunday, an ecumenical day of prayer and celebration. The Revd Jan Ainsworth, the Church of England’s Chief Education Officer, argues that church schools continue to be a ‘gift to the nation’ describing them as inclusive while offering education with a distinctive Christian ethos – looking at the development of the whole person.

“Education Sunday is an important reminder for all Christians that education is about the whole person. While, in recent years, successive governments have increasingly emphasised the role of education in securing work and safeguarding the economy, the church remains committed to educating the whole person; educating for life as well as work. This year’s excellent resources help us focus on everyone involved in the world of education,” said Jan Ainsworth.

The Rt Rev John Pritchard, Bishop of Oxford and Chair of the Church of England’s Board of Education, added: “Education Sunday provides an important focus for celebrating and praying with and for all those involved in the world of education. In a time of cuts and concerns – including great uncertainty about the role of RE in schools – it is important to remember that education is about the whole person. This 200th anniversary year reminds us that the Church was at the root of providing education for all – 50 years before the State joined in.”

Education Sunday resources : http://www.cte.org.uk/Group/Group.aspx?id=64495

The flexible resources, for schools, colleges and churches are designed for celebrations on or around Education Sunday, or on any other day throughout the year, such as at the start or end of the academic year.

More information on Education Sunday: http://www.churchofengland.org/education/national-society/dioceses-parishes/education-sunday.aspx

Beyond Belief  BBC Radio 4 Monday 14  Feb 4.30 – 5 pm (available on iplayer)
The Revd Jan Ainsworth is joined by Ibrahim Hewitt former head of Al-Aqsa Primary School in Leicester, now an Inspector of Faith Schools and Andrew Copson, British Humanist Association.

200th anniversary of the National Society www.natsoc200.org.uk.