
Choir news – in brief

Cork, Limerick and Armagh
Cork Choir sings of love in Brown Thomas’!

Some of the Cathedral Choir sang in Brown Thomas’ department store on St Patrick’s Street in the city centre to mark the St. Valentine’s weekend. They were very well received by Saturday shoppers, many of whom stopped to hear them sing.  Our thanks to the management and staff for making us so welcome and for giving us the opportunity to demonstrate what the Cathedral choirs do week by week.  This was also another opportunity to promote the Sponsor a Pipe Campaign for the rebuilding of the Cathedral Organ.

A welcome in Limerick
Visiting choirs are most welcome at St Mary’s Cathedral during times when the Cathedral Choir is on holiday. The cathedral choir customarily takes a short break after Christmas and Easter, and a break of around six weeks in the summer (singing its last service on the first Sunday in July and resuming on the last Sunday of August). The main sung service of the week is on Sunday morning at 11.15am, alternating Eucharist and Matins.
Please make enquiries via the Cathedral.

Long serving choir members honoured

Presentations were made recently to eight long serving choir members in St Michael’s Church, Castlecaulfield and St Patrick’s Church, Donaghmore. Three have given over 50 years of service to the choir, and the remaining 5 have each clocked up over 40 yearseach  – a total of almost 4 centuries of singing to the glory of God – at a conservative estimate between them they have sung at over 25,000 acts of worship, and probably many more! The rector of the parish, Rev’d Peter Thompson said: “The faithfulness, commitment and dedication of these choir members is outstanding. They have given generously of their time and talents week in and week out, year in and year out, and their very presence in our choir stalls is an unspoken testimony to the depth of their faith.” The eight choir members who received presentations were Harriett Kirk, John and Vera Allen, Dick and Glennis Allen, Harry & Mariah Cuddy (from St Michael’s), and Sally Graham (St Patrick’s).