
Clogher approach to youth internet safety

An Internet Safety Night has been organised for this Friday, 20th May 2011 at Ardess Parish Hall.

The event is for all youth and will be delivered by a guest speaker, and following this there will be fun and games, free food and a time for all to socialise. The evening starts at 7.00pm with arrivals and time to socialise. Then at 8.00pm the speaker delivers a talk on Internet Safety. At 9.00pm there will be an opportunity to enjoy big screen Wii, pool, PS3 or other fun and games and food. And the evening will conclude about 11.00pm.

The organisers hope to see a large crowd of youth from all churches in the community enjoying each others company and having fun.

Enquiries to Youth Co-ordinator with Ardess Parish Church, on 07843076070

The venue is located opposite Ardess Parish Church, near Kesh, Co. Fermanagh.