Rev Steve Stockman and Fr Martin Magill write on the Loyalist declaration of transformation
The opening event of the 2018 4 Corners Festival back in February saw the church hall in St Michael’s just off the Shankill Road packed to over flowing. We heard stories about how Loyalism had not only been a resilient advocate of peace and the Good Friday Agreement but that actually Loyalist leaders were intellectually shaping such peace for at least twenty years before the ceasefires.
That myth of loyalist leaders as neanderthals was put to rest as we heard about their Common Sense document in 1987 being almost a template for the Good Friday Agreement itself. William McQuiston and Martin Snodden took us into some history that many of us did not know!
This was an evening for Loyalism to have a voice, an articulate and progressive voice. A voice that we hear far too little of in the media or public sphere. Journalist Brian Rowan, former Presbyterian Moderator Rev Dr Ken Newell and Professor Monica McWilliams all spoke in glowing terms about the intellect, integrity and forward thinking of David Ervine, Plum Smith and Ray Smallwood to name a few.
Rev Dr Ken Newell and PSNI Chief Constable George Hamilton, in one of a variety of speeches from the floor, both asked why Loyalism hadn’t grown or developed since those glory days of the mid 90s. David Ervine’s funeral was mentioned many times during the evening. The death of such a visionary leader, so young, had dealt a blow to loyalism’s progressive nature. Newell in a spiritual way and Hamilton in policing terms asked for the courage within contemporary loyalism to sort the wheat from the chaff, the criminals from the progressive leaders.
Perhaps on Monday we heard Loyalism’s answer to Newell and Hamilton. The joint statement issued by The Ulster Defence Association, Ulster Volunteer Force and Red Hand Commando read by Alan Harper, former Church of Ireland Archbishop of Armagh is clear that criminality has no place in today’s loyalism –
“We reject and repudiate as unacceptable and contrary to loyalist principles any criminal action claimed to have been undertaken in our name or attributed to any individual claiming membership of one of our organisations.”
The Loyalist Declaration of Transformation is released with potent poignancy on the eve of the 20th Anniversary of the Agreement. This is a time to look back and forward, particularly in the light of our current political impasse. It would be very welcome indeed if the ambition and spirit of the Statement is taken up across our political landscape.
When they say, “it is time to recommit to the creation of a Northern Ireland that enables all to realise their potential and aspirations.”
Preach it!
“For too long we have been berated for our past and not able to imagine a better future.” Amen!
“Any community left behind in that ambition represents a failure not only for the peace process but for Northern Ireland as a whole.” Communal wisdom indeed.
It should not be a surprise that this Loyalist statement has been met with suspicion, cynicism and in some quarters immediately dismissal. There is little doubt that we are judged on our deeds and not our well crafted words. The proof will be in the pudding.
Another speaker at this year’s 4 Corner’s Festival was Stephen Travers one of the Miami Showband who was shot in an ambush on the A1 after a concert in Banbridge in July 1975 that left three of his fellow band members dead. After Monday’s Statement, Stephen tweeted, “My first encounter with The UVF and others in 1975 resulted in The Miami Showband Massacre and my attempted murder. However, the statement today is clearly the result of intense efforts by all three loyalist organisations to create a better future and I wish them every success.”
Shouldn’t we all? Along with Stephen, we are prayerfully willing to read the words of The Loyalist Declaration of Transformation and watch with hope to see the next phase of loyalism develop.
Pray with us,
Rev Steve Stockman and Fr Martin Magill.