Obama’s trip to Ireland is naked electioneering

Barack Obama is no more O’Bama than I am O’Done. And the Irish know it, writes Cristina Odone in The Daily Telegraph

Odone continues: They’re watching, bemused, as the most powerful man in the world comes to visit their President and Taoiseach, then visit Moneygall, home of his great-great-great grandfather. They know it’s not their smiling eyes he’s visiting for – but for the 35,975,855 Americans who claim Irish roots. That’s a sizeable chunk of the electorate and geographically strategic, too: Irish-Americans are numerous in precisely those states, like Ohio and Pennsylvania, that often prove to be decisive during presidential elections.

Obama’s O’Bama act will strike Irish Catholics on both sides of the Atlantic as highly hypocritical not only because, as his autobiography “Dreams from My Father” shows, his Kenyan heritage, not the Irish one, shaped his vision; but also because as President, Obama has pursued an anti-Catholic agenda that has been unapologetically pro-abortion and pro stem cell research. His stand on the death penalty is no different from previous administrations, and his U-turn on Guantanamo Bay betrays a disregard for human life that offends Catholic teaching. For Catholic Ireland, his trip is not so much the return of  the Prodigal Son as the photo-op of the wayward cousin.

What a contrast Obama’s electioneering provides to the Queen’s heartfelt and dignified state visit to Ireland last week. Hers was a profoundly moving gesture of reconciliation: after so much blood was spilled on both sides – not least that of one of her dearest relatives, Lord Mountbatten – Queen Elizabeth was making an effort to bridge two countries that for generations have been at war. Every ceremony, every state occasion was steeped in genuine emotion.

I suspect Obama’s Machiavellian tactic will backfire. The Irish will spin it as a PR triumph capable of regenerating their tourism rather than as a politically momentous occasion; the Irish Americans will quite rightly view the trip as a desperate, last ditch appeal to them.

O’Bama, oh why sink so low?

Cristina Odone is a journalist, novelist and broadcaster specialising in the relationship between society, families and faith. She is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Policy Studies and is a former editor of the Catholic Herald and deputy editor of the New Statesman. She is married and lives in west London with her husband, two stepsons and a daughter. Her latest novel, The Good Divorce Guide, is published by Harper Collins.