Irish Methodist Church news

Dublin Central Mission broadcast on RTE, Co Tyrone Church re-opens,
Annual Conference, Church development worker sought for Dublin North Circuit

Dublin Central Mission broadcast on RTE Radio 1

RTE Radio 1 will be broadcasting a programme about the life and work of Dublin Central Mission entitled “12 Steps on Abbey Street” on Saturday 28th May at 2pm and a repeat on Sunday 29th May at 7pm.

Co Tyrone Church re-opens
Togherdoo Methodist Church, Galbally Road, Dromore, Co Tyrone will officially reopen its doors on Saturday 28th May 2011 at 2pm following major refurbishment and extension project.

The guest speaker for the event will be the President Designate of the Methodist Church in Ireland, the Rev Ian Henderson from Donegal. The project involved the erecting of new Sunday School rooms, minister’s room, kitchen and toilets together with upgrading the heating and insulation throughout the church and hall. Extensive works were also carried out to the church grounds which included new pathways being laid through the graveyard, new boundary fences being erected, new hedges planted and car park extended.

If you are available, please come along and join in celebrating this special day in the life of Togherdoo Methodist Church which has been serving God since 1873. Contact: Reggie Mills – Society Steward Tel: 07736826969

Annual Conference
The Annual Conference will be held in Newtownards, 9 − 12 June. The Down District Superintendent is Rev Roy Cooper who stated to conference members, “This will be the first occasion for the Methodist Conference to be held in Newtownards and we have been working hard to ensure that you not only feel welcome but that you will enjoy being with us over the Conference period 9th-12th June. All roads lead to Movilla Abbey – see you there!”

The main Conference venue is Movilla Abbey Methodist Church which is located on the eastern outskirts of Newtownards, about 10 miles east of Belfast in Northern Ireland. The Irish Methodist Conference has equal representation from clergy and lay people, 125 each to form a body of 250 representatives. Conference is a mixture of business, worship and family time, as the people called Methodist gather from around the island of Ireland and beyond to pray together, learn together, discuss and debate, and make decisions for the future.

Conference representatives will have received the ‘Blue Book’, which contains a detailed timetable of business along with reports from various church bodies.  However, Methodists and the public in general are welcome to observe most of the proceedings of Conference without restriction.

Thursday 9 June 7.30pm Installation of the President of the Methodist Church in Ireland, First Presbyterian Church, Newtownards

Friday 10 June 7.30pm Mission Night , Movilla Abbey Church

Saturday 11 June 7.45am Headway (Ireland) Breakfast Movilla Abbey Church Hall, Newtownards

Saturday 11 June 7.30pm Conference Youth Night Regent Street Methodist Church, Newtownards

Sunday 12 June 11.00am Conference Worship Celebration Movilla Abbey Church, Newtownards

Sunday 12 June 7.00pm Ordination Service First Presbyterian Church, Newtownards

Church development worker sought for Dublin North Circuit
A part time appointment is on offer to engage with the church community at its events; to develop small groups;  to establish contact with Methodists to the north of Skerries and explore the possibility of establishing new work there; to reach out to and connect with people of different backgrounds
Duration: 3 years, starting September 1st 2011.
Location: Dublin North Methodist Circuit, to be based at the Skerries Congregation
Financial Support: This position is for 15 hours per week, with a proposed salary of €11,310 per annum (gross).
Training and supervision provided.
Travelling expenses incurred as part of the role from Skerries Methodist Church will also be included.
Closing date for applications: Wednesday, 15th June 2011.
Further details at:

Youth worker, Lurgan
High Street Methodist Church, Lurgan Invites applications for the post of Youth and Outreach worker.
“We are looking for someone to lead and co-ordinate youth work within the church environment. The person appointed will seek to encourage and equip our young people in the development of their faith, and also develop and manage youth work carried out from the new outreach centre.
For job description and application pack please contact:
Rev Maurice Laverty, 5 The Hollows, Lurgan, BT66 7FF.
Telephone 028 3832 3367
Salary £17,845 per annum plus expenses.  Completed application form to be received by Monday 13th June 2011. Interviews are planned to take place in week commencing 20th June.