C of I news

Lecturer appointed at C of I Theological Institute,Bicentenary of C of I Education College, Christ Church Cathedral Choristers re-union, 70th anniversary of Dublin North Strand bombing

Canon Patrick Comerford has been appointed Lecturer in Anglicanism and Liturgy at The Church of Ireland Theological Institute.

For the past five years Canon Comerford has been working within CITI as Director of Spiritual Formation, during which time he has been an active participant in the revision of ministerial training as introduced by the Archbishops and Bishops since 2008. Canon Comerford has long experience in the fields of both journalism and mission, and he is a member of many central church bodies including the Standing Committee, the Commission for Christian Unity and Dialogue and the Inter-faith Working Group. The new appointment is for a three year term.

Speaking of Canon Comerford’s appointment Dr Maurice Elliott commented, ‘I am delighted that Patrick Comerford is to carry on as a colleague within CITI.  He is a valued member of our collaborative staff team and is much appreciated by all the students. As we make further progress towards implementing the overall vision of the Ministry Formation Project Plan, it will be invaluable to have this tangible expression of stability and continuity. Patrick and his wife Barbara are cherished members of the CITI family and I know that his appointment to this new and important position will be welcomed by everyone in our growing community of both residential and part-time learners.’

In his capacity of Chair of the Governing Council Archbishop Michael Jackson commented, ‘The appointment of Canon Comerford to what is a new position in the Church of Ireland Theological Institute is something which I greatly welcome. Canon Comerford brings commitment and enthusiasm to everything he does and he is great inspirer of people.  Patrick is attentive to detail and magnanimous in imagination.  Anglicanism and liturgy are areas where he excels and I look forward with eager anticipation to the impact which his teaching will have on the expanding life of the Institute within the Church of Ireland.

Bicentenary of C of I Education College

A Service of Thanksgiving in Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin today will commemorate the the bicentenary of the foundation of the Church of Ireland College of Education

Current and past students will attend the service at which the Archbishop of Dublin will preside and the Principal of CICE, Dr Anne Lodge, will preach.

Founded as the Kildare Place Society Training Institution in 1811, which pioneered teacher training in Ireland, it was taken over by the General Synod in 1878 and, as the Church of Ireland Training College, became, in 1884, a recognized denominational college for training national school teachers. CICE flourished as a national teacher training college but its numbers were seriously depleted by partition and it did not begin to expand until the 1960s. In 1969 it moved to its present premises in Rathmines and in 1970 was renamed the Church of Ireland College of Education in line with the other training colleges. Since the 1970s it has had an academic association with Trinity College with the students taking the Trinity B.Ed degree. This association was further strengthened earlier this year with the signing of an Inter-Institutional Agreement. Today CICE has 128 B.Ed students, 60 post graduate students in special educational need/learning support, 50 students studying for the Certificate in Special Needs Assistants and twenty masters students.

Christ Church Cathedral Choristers re-union

A reunion for past choristers of Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin, has been planned for 11 June in the cathedral. This will take the form of Choral Evensong at 5pm followed by a reception and it is also hoped to have some discussion about formally establishing a Past Choristers Association. Rehearsals begin at 2pm. Those who would like to take part should contact Victor Coe at pastchoristers@cccdub.ie.

70th anniversary of North Strand bombing

In Dublin on Tuesday next the 70th anniversary of the North Strand Bombing will be marked with a ‘Walk and Talk’ beginning at Charleville Mall Library at noon and ending at the Memorial Garden in Marino College where, at 2pm, there will be a Memorial Service, attended by local clergy, including the Rector of Drumcondra, the Revd Roy Byrne, and the unveiling of a plague.