Matthew 25:25 So I was afraid, and I went and hid your talent in the ground. Here you have what is yours.

There I was, dangling from a rope, rappelling down the face of a 60-foot cliff. The rush was incredible.

What precipitated this experience was a simple invitation: “Wanna try it, Ms. Hanson?” My student looked more like a surfer dude than the ex-Marine he was. Zac had brought his climbing gear on our class camping trip and was teaching his classmates how to use it. I would never have dreamed I would be among the students. 

I can think of lots of events in my life that have happened like that. Somebody opened a door and gave me a choice: I could back up and play it safe, or take the risk and see what happened next. It was the latter that took me into journalism and teaching, the latter that took me into a marriage of forty-five years. 

Playing it safe may have its appeal, but it also comes with a price—quite simply, the rush of being alive.

MOVING FORWARD: Has your “family” grown because of a natural disaster? How did the experience change the way you see the world?

