
MU AGM in Edinburgh next week

Leaders and members of the Mothers’ Union in Ireland will be travelling next week to Edinburgh for the their Annual General Meeting on Thursday, which will be held in Edinburgh’s Usher Hall.

The MU is the largest lay mission organisation within the Anglican Church and some 2000 people are expected to attend to hear Professor Tanya Byron, and to learn more about the development projects carried out by the charity’s 4 million members worldwide.

Tanya Byron is a chartered clinical psychologist, an author, broadcaster and professor. Tanya is also known for her on screen expertise on The House of Tiny Tearaways and books such as Little Angels, Your Child Your Way and many more.

The Province of Scotland is organizing a service of celebration at St.Mary’s Cathedral the evening before, all seats for which have been booked, but there are seats for an additional service of celebration on Wednesday 8th June at 7.30pm St.John’s Scottish Episcopal Church, Princes Street. For an application form see  www.muscotland.org.uk

The All Ireland President is Ruth Mercer from Armagh Diocese. Diocesan Presidents and office bearers and members will be attending from all parts of Ireland.

As well as promoting parenting courses and supporting local neo-natal units and various other service projects throughout Ireland, the MU has a specific interest in the development of women and family life in developing countries. This is focused through the support of MU workers.

All Mothers’ Union workers are local women, who speak the language of the people among whom they work and understand the local culture and customs.

They teach a variety of basic skills, both practical and spiritual; organise conferences and training for members and the local community; and encourage self-help/income generating projects and community outreach programmes.

There are currently 286 Provincial and Diocesan Mothers’ Union workers around the world and their number increases steadily year by year

The number of requests to the Overseas Fund is increasing each year with an increasing number of Anglican dioceses worldwide.