Jesus, tired from the long walk, sat wearily beside the well about midday. Soon a Samaritan woman came to draw water, and Jesus said to her, “Please give me a drink.” He was alone at the time because his disciples had gone into the village to buy some food.       
John 4:6-8 NLT
It is encouraging to know that Jesus was wearied by life. This means that Jesus can understand your and my weariness. Taking nothing away from Jesus’ divinity, I like to reflect upon Jesus’ mortality. It helps me connect with Christ, particularly when I feel overwhelmed by the demands of life. Providing appropriate support to family, be it mum aged 94, my daughter making her way into the competitive world of work, Jayne with her chronic pain condition or my own many deadlines, life demands a lot from each of us. In John’s account, I get the impression that Jesus sinks down with a deep sigh. He is tired, and thirsty. 

We excuse our frailties as human weakness. Yet, Jesus experienced the depths of human frailty, but without sin. His battle was more intense than anything we are likely to encounter, yet he battled through. This is an encouragement for us as we face life’s challenges. In asking the Samaritan woman for a drink, Jesus revealed that his was a message of life to everyone. Some people seek to blame the problems facing our society on different groups of people such as the unemployed or immigrants, but Jesus acknowledges that the God image knows no boundaries of ethnicity, gender, culture or class. All our welcome. 

Jesus has the ability to see the real person and not be swayed by prejudice or preconceptions. As you sink into a chair beneath the weight of life, know that Jesus sinks down beside you. In sharing your experience, your load may not disappear, responsibilities await your return, but you do have one with you, who loves you and knows precisely how you are feeling.


Have you burdens that cause you to feel weary?

Come, Lord Jesus, please sit awhile next to me. Thank you that you truly understand me. Give me fresh strength and refreshment to rise up and live this day to the full.
