Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:7 NLT

Some years ago I went through a training process that measured my instinctive workplace temperament. It identified that I moved from a state of calm to catastrophe in a single step! This helped explain much of my past life and my tendency to perceive a problem as an insurmountable obstacle. From that day on I started work on addressing this characteristic. Why else do we engage in self-discovery? 

I discovered this also had a significant impact on my walk of faith. My catastrophic cycle obscured my view of God and I quickly became consumed with myself and my troubles. Like the disciples in the middle of the storm on Lake Galilee, I could only see the size of the waves and the strength of the wind. Sabbath at a personal level is my ability to remain centred on God despite the storms that rage around me. In losing sight of Jesus in the storm I am left to my own resources. In more recent years I have matured and can remain focused upon Jesus. The storm will be what it is. I choose to be centred upon God. 

The only way I can tell if I am making progress is by my physiological reaction. My body tells me if I am oppressed by the reality of the stress, or living with it but free from its control. 

Consider your temperament; you have a history of reactions and responses, and some you really know are harmful to you and to others. Take time to offer these temperament patterns to God and make your commitment to monitor your stress levels, however provoked. Determine to look away from the weather patterns and focus your attention upon Jesus. In this way you will live in the “perfect peace” God promises (Isaiah 26:3).


What is your natural temperament type?
When the storms of life hit me, help me to focus on you and experience your peace.