All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.
2 Corinthians 1:3-4 NLT
I often remark to Jayne that looking back I hardly recognise myself as I stepped from university into Christian ministry. There was a confidence and a swagger that I fail to recognise within myself today. Now I appreciate a depth of reflection that I knew nothing of as a young man. Life experience can either result in greater wisdom, or simply add frustration. Wisdom is not guaranteed with age. For me that wisdom has created a softer, more accepting heart. I am content within my own space, hence my pursuit of the contemplative life. I am less convinced of my own ability to change much apart from prayer.
With confidence, I affirm Paul’s declaration that God comforts us in all our troubles. This is not to say our troubles go away. Certainly, we may begin our prayers in this manner. Yet, if troubles endure, we face the challenge of discovering God’s comfort in those troubles. Jayne, with her chronic pain condition, is invited to manage the pain while discerning Christ each and every day. I am called to both support and encourage her while also finding Christ for myself within the many restrictions Jayne’s condition brings to our life.
Neither of us naturally feels an inclination to give thanks to God. However, we discover so many benefits when we pause to consider God in our challenge. Each of us will experience disappointment and heartache. Yet, the great news is that God is present throughout and can be found wherever we find ourselves. As we find God’s comfort for ourselves, so we have the authority to comfort others. We empathise, pray and praise God together.
Does any part of Micah’s journey of faith resonate with yours?
May your peace and quietness fill me, whatever twists and turns I encounter in this day.