Brothers and Friends – Church leaders congratulate Archbishop of Armagh elect

The Co–Chairs of the Irish Inter–Church Meeting, Bishop Brendan Leahy and the Rev Brian Anderson, released the following statement to congratulate Bishop John McDowell on his election as Archbishop of Armagh.

They stated: “During his time as ICC President and Co–Chair of the Irish Inter–Church Meeting from 2016–2018 Bishop John led many important inter–church initiatives across the island of Ireland. His thoughtful contributions on the pastoral challenges arising from issues such as Brexit, commemorations and the unfinished work of reconciliation have shaped and informed our inter–church dialogue and we look forward to continuing to work with him in his new role. Bishop John will bring many gifts to the leadership of the Archdiocese of Armagh and we wish him every blessing for the future.”

The Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, Rt Rev Dr William Henry has congratulated Rt Rev John McDowell.

Dr Henry said, “On behalf of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland I would like to offer Bishop John my heartfelt congratulations on his election as Archbishop of Armagh.

“The call to leadership is a special calling and comes with many blessings and challenges. In my own denomination Moderators serve for one year, and I am now not too far from the end of my term of office. As the Archbishop-elect prepares to put on the mantle of leading the Church of Ireland, he can be assured of my prayers and those of our Church family across the island.

“Presbyterians will be familiar with the commitment that Bishop John has shown in is various appointments, not least as President of the Irish Council of Churches, of which PCI is a member. I very much look forward to working with him, as one of Ireland’s Church Leaders, and in the unending task of proclaiming the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ in this land.”

Archbishop Eamon Martin of Armagh said – “I am delighted with the news that Bishop John McDowell has been elected as the new Church of Ireland Archbishop of Armagh.

“ I wish Bishop John my sincere congratulations and assurance of my prayers. In due course I look forward to welcoming him to Armagh, and wish him God’s blessing as he begins a new chapter in his ministry.

“I have known Bishop McDowell for several years and have already worked closely with him in his previous role as President of the Irish Council of Churches. Bishop John also joined me on a cross-community centenary pilgrimage with young people to the Somme and other significant First World War sites back in 2016.

“I very much look forward to working with Bishop John in the months and years ahead. His predecessor Archbishop Richard Clarke and I had a very positive working relationship and we often remarked that, even though there are two St Patrick’s Cathedrals in Armagh, there is only one St Patrick! I hope that Bishop John and I can nurture a similar, shared mission in proclaiming the joy of the Gospel as brothers and friends. Here in the parish and diocese we shall pray for him in the coming days, and especially over the Feast of St Patrick.

“I take this opportunity also to once again wish Archbishop Richard Clarke the very best for a happy and healthy retirement.”

In a Tweet welcoming the appointment, Archbishop Martin stated –
“Archbishop Richard and I remarked that even though there are two St Patrick’s Cathedrals in Armagh, there is only one St Patrick! I hope Bishop John McDowell and I can nurture a similar shared mission in proclaiming the joy of the Gospel as brothers and friends.”