Photo – Cartoon by Dave Walker

Irish church leaders invite all to home-based prayer on Sunday
The Irish Times
Irish church leaders invite all to home-based prayer on Sunday. No public holy week or Easter ceremonies in cathedrals or churches due to coronavirus.
[[] https://www.irishtimes.com/news/social-affairs/religion-and-beliefs/irish-church-leaders-invite-all-to-home-based-prayer-on-sunday-1.4219362 ]

Coronavirus: A Call to Pray
Keep the Faith
A Call to Pray Ireland’ unites church leaders and churches across Ireland to pray for all those impacted by the coronavirus. This Sunday, 5th April 2020 …
[[] https://www.keepthefaith.co.uk/2020/04/03/coronavirus-a-call-to-pray/ ]

We stood in the car park of the nursing home while my father-in-law breathed his last
The Irish Times
[[] https://www.irishtimes.com/opinion/we-stood-in-the-car-park-of-the-nursing-home-while-my-father-in-law-breathed-his-last-1.4219051 ]

Ulster farmer abused by vegans for delivering dairy products to vulnerable
The owner of a Co Down open farm has released an emotional plea via video to a group of vegans asking them to stop sending him and his pregnant wife abusive messages online.

Report on a package put together by the Church Commissioners for England and the Archbishops’ Council to support dioceses and cathedrals financially during the coronavirus crisis.
Church Times
[] https://www.churchtimes.co.uk/articles/2020/3-april/news/uk/cash-package-announced-to-help-dioceses

Michelle O’Neill and Arlene Foster at odds over health minister’s coronavirus response
In a display of deep rifts in the executive, the deputy first minister said Robin Swann had been “too slow” to act on issues such as testing and personal protective equipment for healthcare staff

First minister discusses coronavirus church closures with Bishop Donal McKeown
Current coronavirus restrictions mean that churches are closed to the public, though they can host funerals where the numbers attending are very small and mourners observe social-distancing recommendations

DUP man issues apology for blaming coronavirus on abortion and gay marriage
John Carson said his online remarks were “misinterpreted”

Applause for NHS staff during second ‘clap for carers’ event
People across Northern Ireland took to doorsteps, windows and balconies to clap in support of healthcare staff
