Irish news digest

Photo above – The Rev Malcolm Ferry, left, rector of Agherton Parish, and the Rev Nigel Kirkpatrick, rector of the Grouped Parishes of Kilroot and Templecorran, will lead the joint online service.

New friendships grow as parishes prepare joint Communion Service

The Rev Malcolm Ferry, rector of Agherton Parish, and the Rev Nigel Kirkpatrick, rector of the Grouped Parishes of Kilroot and Templecorran, will be sharing worship together over the internet this Sunday, May 3.

The service will build on the work of both rectors – who are good friends – to engage with their congregations during this time when the church buildings are closed.

Over the past few Sundays, Agherton Parish has used the opportunity to have online Children’s Services, and last week broadcast a Mothers’ Union Service. For this members of the congregation recorded various parts of the service, and these were brought together by Malcolm.

Nigel has been broadcasting live on the Sunday morning using a special online liturgy which is followed by parishioners at home.

The joint service on Sunday May 3 sees contributions from readers of all ages and both church musicians. Malcolm will preside at Holy Communion and Nigel will preach.

“This is an opportunity to acknowledge that we are one in Christ body and in sharing together we are a support and comfort,” Malcolm said.

“This has given an opportunity for those who would never usually go to the front of the church to lead worship to be involved, as they are happy to make the recording at their own homes for inclusion in the podcast.

“While social distancing measures are in place, this is an attempt for congregations to be together and worship in the name of Christ. Although we are scattered as worshipping community, we remember that we are one in our Lord Jesus Christ and the worship of the Church continues through the medium of the internet.”

Malcolm said the familiar voices and the offering of worship is not meant to be faultless recording; rather this was ‘worship from the heart of each church.’ He added that it was hoped that a new friendship will grow between the parishes, not only now, but in the future.

The prayers will include special prayers for Connor Bishop-designate George Davison, and also for the new Archbishop of Armagh, the Most Rev John McDowell, who was in the same year as Nigel and Malcolm at Theological College.

The service will be shared on the Facebook pages of both parishes (Agherton : Kilroot) from 9am on Sunday May 3 and will remain on the Agherton Parish website for the rest of the week.

Agherton Facebook
[[] https://www.facebook.com/aghertonparish/ ]

Kilroot Facebook
[[] https://www.facebook.com/The-Grouped-Churches-of-St-St-Colmans-Kilroot-and-St-Johns-Ballycarry-100600784923231/ ]

Agherton Parish website
[[] https://www.agherton.com/ ]

C of E Faith at Home resources

Are you a teacher, church leader or parent?

FaithAtHome is a national campaign to support the faith development and pastoral care of children.

It seeks to provide:

Experiences that inspire parents and families to grow in faith together in the ‘new daily normal’ of the home

Resources that equip children and young people to explore faith together and feel supported pastorally as part of school and church communities

Networks that connect school leaders, church leaders, chaplains to share great practice and build community together focused on the faith development of children and young people

Find out more about the experiences, networks and resources available:
[[] https://www.churchofengland.org/faith-action/faith-home ]

MU resources for challenging-times

Colouring in patterns and images can be a great way to reduce stress and combat anxiety.

If you like colouring or have an interest in creative activity, check out our resources page for colouring bookmarks and prayerful designs.

[ https://www.mothersunion.org/resources-support-us-challenging-times ]

Christians against poverty

CAP fact – Right now, 1 in 5 UK adults have less than £100 in savings. Thousands will find themselves in financial difficulty due to the pandemic. We need to ensure we respond now so CAP is there for them when they dial our helpline in the future. capuk.org/get-involved/d…

Prayer Points

Pray for positive relationships to continue between secular organisations, schools, churches and councillors.

Thank God for the work of Mothers Union members throughout the world who are involved in trauma healing and reconciliation. Pray that they may be agents of peace and bring hope to those in particular distress due to the global pandemic.

Pray for Shyogwe Diocese in Rwanda to fulfil its motto, ‘Your Kingdom Come’ through the integral mission of “each member having a holy soul in a healthy body.” Pray for the 25,000 Christians who are located in the 33 parishes and 147 sub-parishes of the diocese.

Keep us, good Lord,
under the shadow of your mercy
in this time of uncertainty and distress.
Sustain and support the anxious and fearful,
and lift up all who are brought low;
that we may rejoice in your comfort
knowing that nothing can separate us
from your love in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen

God in creation

“A proud man is always looking down on things and people; and, of course, as long as you are looking down, you cannot see something that is above you.”
C S Lewis
