Irish news digest

Church of Ireland Gazette is free online

During this period of crisis, the Church of Ireland Gazette is being made available free to all.

The May edition can now be downloaded – as a PDF version or as an e–paper – from the Gazette website. The printed magazine will not be distributed this month as the Board does not want any readers or parish distributors to feel they have to leave their homes at this time.

This month, the Gazette focuses on stories of key workers and volunteers who are keeping people safe, healthy and in contact during the Covid–19 pandemic. There is an exclusive article by RCB Chief Officer David Ritchie on how the RCB is seeking to support parishes and dioceses; musician Mark Ferguson is the subject of the monthly Q&A; and there are inspiring stories from Gemma Willis on her recovery after a serious car accident in 2013 and war veteran Teddy Dixon who turned 100 in March.
[www.gazette.ireland.anglican.org ]

These are traumatic times for everyone – Bishop of Cork

In his monthly letter to the Diocese, Rt Rev Dr Paul Colton writes,
“These are traumatic times for everyone. They are unknown territory for all of us in our Diocese too as parishes and faith communities. We have not been able, in the same way, to do what the Church is all about doing – gathering around God’s word and the Lord’s Table to worship together, and going out to encounter face to face those who we need to care for and serve in God’s name. That is our normality as a Church and it too has been dislocated: abruptly.

“As Bishop I ask that, as of first importance, we continue to do in whatever ways we can, what the Church is meant to do: to worship God; to pray steadfastly; to reflect on God’s word; to reach out in any way we may to those who depend on our pastoral care; to offer our practical help and solidarity with anyone who needs it; and to play our parts as responsible members of society.

“All of our clergy and lay workers, with their own unique gifts and different approaches have been doing this. On your behalf, I want to thank each and every one of them. Everyone has been working harder than ever in the most stressful of situations. We are not trying to replicate our regional parish system online. This is a time for sharing gifts and helping one another. We are truly discovering the value of pooling our energies and talents. Not everyone has to do everything the same way. This recognition of each others’ gifts and dependence on one another is what Saint Paul calls ‘a still more excellent way’ (1 Cor. 12.31) and which he describes at length in the following chapter, the famous one about love.”

Methodist marathon

Retired Methodist Minister Rev Arthur Parker completed 36.2 miles around the garden since 23rd March! He has been so inspired by Captain Tom Moore that he has decided to keep going in May and raise money for Alzheimer’s Society at the same time.

Bangor Worldwide goes online for 2020 Convention

In a change to its usual format, Bangor Worldwide will provide updates on global mission with an online convention planned for 21st-29th August.

Chairman Tom Clarke commented, “In the light of current government restrictions around Coronavirus and the uncertainty about when these might be lifted, both here and across other nations where our speakers where due to travel from, the organising committee has decided to proceed with the summer Convention albeit with a different format. All the talks from various mission personnel and our weekday Bible studies will be posted online for free for people to watch and engage with.

“With a history going back to 1937, we are delighted to continue our support of mission work throughout the world and will be gathering video content to stream on our website.”

The complete details of the online programme are still being worked out and more information will be released during an online launch due to take place on Wednesday 27th May.

“One of the Convention’s main objectives is to raise money for the work of world missions,” continues Tom, “So we are looking at ways to make it easier for people to support the Convention itself and more importantly the many mission agencies which receive support from us each year.”

Last year, Bangor Worldwide raised £144,000 that was distributed to over 150 mission agencies across the world.

Tom concluded by saying, “We continue to appreciate the financial and prayer support that we receive and going forward as we adapt this year’s Convention. God is still at work in our world and it will be interesting to hear from many different people serving him in different ways amongst different cultures through a global pandemic.”

You can follow Bangor Worldwide on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and sign up to a monthly email update via the website [ worldwidemission.org. ]

Points for Prayer

Pray for staff furloughed from work, including those who serve in congregations and other ministry callings, that God would help them to overcome the frustration of this interruption to their roles and benefit from a season of unplanned Sabbath.

Pray there will not be a rise in preventable diseases. Lockdowns have the potential to cause disruption to immunisation services across the world. Pray that countries can maintain crucial vaccination programmes and that preventable outbreaks don’t ignite.

Pray for those experiencing the added pressures of working from home that they would be sustained through a period of unusual and limited working practices and be wise in drawing the line between work and personal time.

God in Creation

Moth in north Antrim
