Enniskillen sports clubs support local food scheme
Cheques for a total of £3349.50 have now been handed over to Reverend Lorna Dreaning who is co-ordinating the distribution of food parcels to many needy families in Fermanagh.
The money was raised as a result of online appeals by Enniskillen Rangers and Enniskillen Rugby Football Club, with additional contributions from Coa O’Dwyers GFC, the Brendan Keogh Youth League and Enniskillen Rangers Youth.
Pictured at the Ball Range are, from left: Richard Gray (Enniskillen Rugby Football Club), David McQuigg (Brendan Keogh Youth League), Reverend Lorna Dreaning, Paul McCarney (Coa O’Dwyers GFC), David Robinson (Enniskillen Rangers FC).
BBC One Sunday Service
The Very Reverend Dr Sarah Rowland Jones leads the service on the Sixth Sunday of Easter from @StDavidsCath With hymns sung by @BBCSoP recorded back in July 2019 and was filmed before the closure of all church buildings. Sun 17 May, 10:45 @BBCOne
Young Adults Invited to Share their Lockdown Faith Experiences
The team at the Foundational Leadership Programme (FLP) is asking young adults to share their faith experience during the Covid–19 pandemic. The FLP is a collaboration between the Archdiocese of Dublin, the United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough and the Irish Capuchins which aims to equip young adults with leadership skills which they can bring to their own parishes.
They are inviting young adults and youth leaders to take a four minute survey which explores their experience of faith during the lockdown and how they have adapted to the new conditions. It looks at how they connect with others, how their faith has helped them, how they have continued to connect with their church communities and if they have enjoyed church online.
Vicar climbing 31,922 steps for Tearfund
It’s bad enough dragging yourself back upstairs when you forget something, but spare a thought (and a pound or two) for the Rev Andy Heber who is planning on climbing his stairs 76 times a day for the next month!
Andy has signed up to Tearfund’s Climb Kilimanjaro challenge to support those living in poverty to fight the challenges of Covid–19.
As of today (Monday) Andy, who is vicar of Carnmoney, Diocese of Connor, has covered 157 flights in the last two days (including a run of 70 flights in one go this morning!). No wonders he is a mite concerned his knees will give in – only 1,970 flights to go!
Andy said: “These days of restrictions and lockdown are testing us all, however it’s important to remember that our lives are safer and easier compared with many people in our world. In less developed countries with fewer resources and a much more basic infrastructure, even the ability to wash your hands regularly is a luxury, let alone the availability of sufficient hospital beds and ventilators.
“Over the coming months as the coronavirus hits many of the less developed countries in our world, the effects will be devastating.”
He said Tearfund is one organisation working in many of these countries seeking to provide aid, promoting hygienic practices and seeking to build adequate hand washing stations to prevent the spread of the virus.
The Mount Kilimanjaro Challenge is an attempt to raise money to support them in this vital work, and in taking on the challenge, Andy will realise one long–held dream (well, sort of!).
“It has long been one of my ambitions to climb Mount Kilimanjaro, the fourth highest mountain in the world standing at 5,895 metres tall,” Andy explained.
“Obviously this is no longer possible, and possibly never will be as the years go by. However I have decided to climb the equivalent of this mountain by running up the stairs in my house.
“Over the course of 28 days, beginning on Sunday May 10, I am hoping to run/climb 31922 steps, that’s 76 flights of my stairs every day – coming down doesn’t count!”
If he is successful in this challenge, Andy will have climbed over 6,000 meters, more than the height of Mount Kilimanjaro.
“If you would like to sponsor me as I attempt this challenge and raise valuable money for Tearfund to help them in their work in less developed countries in our world, then please visit my Just Giving page to leave a donation and a message,” Andy said.
“Alternatively, cheques made payable to Tearfund can be posted to me at 20 Glebe Road, Newtownabbey, Co Antrim, BT36 6UW.”
Andy’s Just Giving Page can be found here
[[] https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/andystheclimb2021 ]
A Prayer for the Church during the Covid crisis
The Church Mission Society Ireland (CMSI) has launched a video of a special prayer for the global Church during the Covid crisis. The video features contributions from 29 different members of the CMSI family, including Archbishop Michael Jackson and church leaders from all nine countries where the society’s Global Partners are based.
As CMSI’s Mission Resource Manger, Roger Cooke, explains, the prayer is part of the society’s response to the current coronavirus pandemic.
“In the early days of the Covid–19 crisis here in Ireland, the CMSI staff team were deeply touched by the numerous messages from our partners, assuring us – and the wider Church in Ireland – of their prayers and blessings. Our brothers and sisters wanted us to know that they were standing with us.
“Very quickly, it became clear to us that the impacts of Covid were going to be much more severe in the countries where are partners work. We launched our Covid–19 Response Appeal at the beginning of April to encourage financial support and prayer for our partners. We want to stand with them, as they have stood with us.
“This prayer is an expression of that sense of connection and concern that we share together in the global CMSI family. We hope it can be used by churches and individuals who want to pray for their own contexts, as well as looking to the wider world.”
The prayer video (displayed below) can also be viewed and downloaded from the CMSI website [ www.cmsireland.org ] or the society’s Facebook page. A copy of the prayer text is also available.
Points for Prayer
Pray for those who work for peace and freedom throughout the world, that their efforts will bring an end to injustice and oppression
Give thanks for the many people who are using this time to volunteer in their local communities, asking that their simple acts of kindness would continue to make a big difference in the lives of the most vulnerable
Pray for decision makers at all levels of government as they receive advice from specialists, interpret data and shape policy that they would be wise in their decision-making and clear in their communication to others.
God in Creation