Why Papa?
My Dearest Father in Heaven,
I know, I know, I know, I should not be asking ‘why’ because some things are too big for me to understand and I accept that. I know you have everything under control and Your children have nothing to fear. But, just in case you want to tell me what is going on, I thought I would just ask!
I am coming to YOU to ask the hard questions, for this world is your creation and You are in charge. There are all these people; consulting psychiatrists, mental health specialists, scientists, environmental experts, economists with dire predictions, conspiracy theorists, and mad leaders in charge of countries being asked for their opinion, yet, You do not seem to have been consulted by the world, but your presence has certainly been felt- I am amazed by how you have achieved that!
I can’t believe just how this has happened, I stand back in wonder at how you have stopped the whole world in its tracts, just like that! There have been so many voices in the world, dedicating their life to issues that needed dealing with, and nobody listened. But You spoke Papa and showed how in 21 days rivers could heal themselves, pollution could clear over major cities, people could become aware of bird song, money could be found for NHS, and folks could rally round and start to support and care for their community again.
We have reset our lives and value our care-workers, bin men, lorry drivers and supermarket staff etc. We honour those on the front line fighting the virus: our doctors, nurses, ancillary staff, fighting the ‘fire’ without a vaccine and without fully understanding the working mind of this deceptive virus. Brave, brave people, moving forward like an army to fight the ravages of this virus. Their families, brows furrowed, anxiously awaiting a safe and healthy return each day.
I can only see glimpses of your plan – so I can see that with a virus we needed to be quarantined at home when people had symptoms – you didn’t need to rethink that one, you had it all set out in Leviticus: 7 days to see how it would go and seven further days to make sure. Our lives seem to have been set back to ‘default’ and we have decisions to make about the future.
I must talk to you about the beautiful weather and us in lock-down, was it so that we could be much happier in ourselves, take time to think, or even explore our gardens again?
Perhaps we listen better to you when we are in a peaceful state of mind and are better able to reflect and consider our priorities. Papa, I get it, that you have done this in 2020- Your vision is perfect. I don’t mind telling you that some days I have felt very emotional, just something someone said or a kind gesture or listening to the record of the daily deaths. Congratulations go to the painter of the sunsets, they have been fabulous and I expect the lack of pollution has also been a factor.
It was quite drastic for the churches to close their doors, but I can see your point, when you opened countless churches in our homes. People tuning in to on-line services that have not made it to a building on Sunday. Well, this proves the point that the ‘church’ is not a building. This major change would not have happened otherwise. By the way, did you notice that I have put a ‘wayside pulpit’ at the door of the church at No 14? Hope you approve.
I’ve had some concerns regarding the number of Bibles in homes, but now that we are going to church online, we can equally download a Bible online. Or maybe we could share God’s word by purchasing a Bible as a gift from our local Christian bookstore and play our part in keeping their business going (yes, I could use ‘paypal ’).
I am so thankful that you are on your throne and in charge. We thank you for the Lord Jesus who is the perfect sacrifice for sin and for the Holy Spirit who leads us, sets us on fire, and lives within us. And we thank you for Your Holy word which directs us.
We remember before you, Papa, those whose lives have been devastated by this situation, who have no hope for the future and a black future. We grieve for the heart-broken who have lost loved ones and to whom we cannot give comfort or support. We come to you in prayer with the hope and confidence that whatever we ask for in prayer, and believe that we have received it, it will be ours. Mark 11 v24.
Thank you, Papa, for also reminding me of the wise sage who penned this ageless poem, The Weaver……
Not ‘til the loom is silent and the shuttles cease to fly
Will God unroll the canvas and explain the reason why
The dark threads are as needful in the skilful weaver’s hand
As the threads of gold and silver in the pattern he has planned.
Your dearly loved daughter,
Elizabeth Fielding
Templemore MU, May 2020
Diocese of Derry & Raphoe