Irish news digest – June 13

Chaplain to the Mayor of Belfast

Rev Tracey McRoberts, Rector of Shankill Parish, Belfast, has been appointed as Chaplain to the Lord Mayor of Belfast, Alderman Frank McCoubrey, for the incoming year. Revd Tracey has said that it was a privilege to be asked to be Chaplain. They were joined by First Minister Arlene Foster MLA at City Hall to mark this occasion.

Kilhorne Church marks 180 years of worship

This weekend marks 180 years of worship in Kilhorne Church, Annalong. Unable to gather to celebrate, the parish has produced a video looking back at Kilhorne’s history and people. Happy Anniversary!

The parish scribe writes – Throughout the years we have been truly blessed with faithful ministers who taught God’s word Sunday by Sunday.

This Sunday at 11.30 am, we have our online Gift Day service.

As we think ahead to that, we want to be reminded of fellowship.

Over the years we have had many different events from flower festivals, fry nights, concerts and more recently, tractor runs. None of these could take place without the dedication of our church family.

We thank God for our church family. We miss meeting each week during these unprecedented times however, we know that God will continue to bless us through His faithfulness to us and in return our dedication and faithfulness to Him.

Please enjoy this 180th anniversary video and tag those you recognise.”

Link at – [[] https://www.downanddromore.org/news/2020/06/kilhorne-church-marks-180-years-of-worship ]

Film ‘Just Mercy’ free online this month

The film ‘Just Mercy,’ is based on a true story of an innocent man convicted of murder in Alabama in 1987 – largely as a result of racial bias – and how years later his conviction was eventually overturned. It is disturbing, powerful and moving. It is also available free online this month on YouTube, but well worth the price of rental if you can’t access it for free. An article in the weekly news of the Presbyterian Church (USA) includes a review and suggested discussion questions. Here is the link –
[ https://www.presbyterianmission.org/story/the-film-just-mercy-can-be-viewed-free-this-month/ ]

Connor Diocesan Council makes history on Zoom

History was made on Thursday June 11, when members of Connor Diocesan Council came together for a virtual meeting. The meeting was held via the Zoom platform with 35 members joining. Diocesan Council comprises the bishop (or bishop-designate); archdeacons, honorary secretaries and clergy and lay people from Connor’s three archdeaconries.

Bishop-designate George Davison said the attendance was excellent. “While many folk are familiar with Zoom, for others it was their first time using this technology, and we were delighted with the engagement. It was a very useful and constructive meeting, conducted in good humour, and we got all business completed.”

Methodist President on Church at Home on Sunday

You are invited to join this Sunday’s Church At Home with President of the Methodist Church in Ireland Rev Dr Tom McKnight for a ‘live premiere’.
Service sheet and video download available here –
[ https://www.irishmethodist.org/church-home ]

Vacancy at Surf Project Portrush

Vacancy for a Hostel Operations Manager in Portrush to work with the Surf Project. You could be a part of their next big adventure as they take on this beautiful hostel and this fresh expression of their ministry unfolds.
Contact Person: [ hr@irishmethodist.org ]
Application Closing Date: Friday, 19 June, 2020
Application pack:
[[] https://www.irishmethodist.org/vacancy/hostel-operations-manager ]

Food for thought

Points for Prayer

Jesus wept when his friend died, even though he knew he would raise Lazarus back to life. So we know he has great compassion for those who are grieving. Let’s pray for those who are sad today that they’ll be comforted by Jesus’ hope-filled compassion.

God in Creation
