On the web – Priests told to just drink all the wine & other reports

Priests told to just drink all the wine themselves as communion returns
Metro UK

Brexit : No light ahead of the tunnel
Tony Connelly comments
[[] https://www.rte.ie/news/brexit/2020/0612/1147161-tony-connelly-brexit/ ]

Coronavirus: Child psychologists highlight mental health risks of lockdown
BBC News
Leading psychologists warn the education secretary that children’s mental health is at risk.
[[] https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-53037702 ]

Can politicians move past ideological convictions?
We need to have the honesty to learn the lessons of the pandemic, argues BBC NI’s political editor.
[[] https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-52996181 ]

Links to slave trade evident across Ireland
 Irish Times
The entrance to Trinity College Dublin through the College Green front gate is one of Dublin’s best-known images. Few know it was built with money in the early 17th century from tobacco duty, a slave crop…
…Several Irish clergymen claimed compensation for slave ownership. Among them was Rev Richard Wynne of Drumcliff, Co Sligo, who claimed for the ownership of 30 slaves in the Virgin Islands. The amount he received is not listed.
[[] https://www.irishtimes.com/news/ireland/irish-news/links-to-slave-trade-evident-across-ireland-1.4276650 ]

Failings of founder are a lesson, says Chief Scout
Sunday Telegraph
[[] http://digitaleditions.telegraph.co.uk/data/259/reader/reader.html?social#!preferred/0/package/259/pub/259/page/12/article/51160 ]

Report on steps parishes and cathedrals are taking to re-open their doors for individual prayer.
Church Times
[[] https://www.churchtimes.co.uk/articles/2020/12-june/news/uk/churches-to-reopen-with-restrictions ]
