On the web – June 19

Photo above – Clonard Volunteers Sean Curley, Paddy Cuningham & Patsy Mckee have been promoting the online Novena across Belfast by placing posters in shops and other businesses that have reopened.You can participate in the Novena from anywhere in the world –
[[] https://www.clonard.com/web-cam/ ]

‘A shock to us all’: President Higgins leads tributes to Det Garda Colm Horkan
Irish Times
[[] https://www.irishtimes.com/news/crime-and-law/a-shock-to-us-all-president-higgins-leads-tributes-to-det-gda-colm-horkan-1.4282291 ]

Sinn Fein outspent political rivals at 2019 general election, new figures show
Belfast Telegraph
[[] https://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/northern-ireland/sinn-fein-outspent-political-rivals-at-2019-general-election-new-figures-show-39295707.html ]

Pastor Barrie Halliday charged after Black Lives Matter comments
Belfast Telegraph
[[] https://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/northern-ireland/pastor-barrie-halliday-charged-after-black-lives-matter-comments-39281524.html ]

Coronavirus: Ulster University plans to reopen fully in 2021 –
BBC News
[[] https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-53083770 ]

Report on C of E Ministry Statistics for 2019
Church Times
Report on Ministry Statistics for 2019, showing that women were in the majority of those ordained as deacons last year.
[ https://www.churchtimes.co.uk/articles/2020/19-june/news/uk/more-women-deaconed-than-men-in-c-of-e-but-ethnic-diversity-decreases ]

George Carey: Former archbishop suspended over abuse inquiry
BBC News
The Church of England said new evidence linking Lord Carey, 84, to a review into … The independent inquiry was launched into the Church’s handling of … Carey said: “I am bewildered and dismayed to receive the news a short time …
[[] https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-dorset-53086234 ]
