Edna celebrates 60 years as organist
Congratulations to Miss Edna Ferguson who recently celebrated 60 years as organist and choir mistress of Garvaghy Church.
Members of the church choir gathered with the Rector, Revd Colin Taylor and a few others to mark the occasion (all socially distanced of course).
Edna was presented with flowers and a slate wall clock with an inscription recording her 60 years of service and commitment to the church.
Edna is well known across Garvaghy and the surrounding areas for her music and her willingness over the years to play, not only for churches and services where an organist has been needed at short notice, but also at missions and outreaches.
Revd Colin Taylor said, “Garvaghy Parish has been very blessed by Edna’s musical gifts and faithful service over all these years and we wish her God’s blessing as she continues into her 61st year as organist.”
Appointment to Galloon Group of Parishes in Clogher
The Revd Lorraine Capper, currently part-time stipendiary minister of Donagh (Glaslough), Tyholland and Errigal Truagh in Clogher Diocese, has been appointed incumbent of Galloon (Newtownbutler), Sallaghy and Drummully, also in Clogher Diocese.
Revd Lorraine, who is married to Revd Alan Capper, Rector of Lisnaskea Parish, was ordained 10 years ago and since then has served as Curate at St. Columba’s Parish Church, Omagh, provided pastoral cover and led services in vacant parishes throughout Clogher Diocese as well taking on archival roles before being appointed part-time stipendiary minister in the Donagh Group of Parishes in Co. Monaghan over two years ago.
Her work in the Donagh group and particularly at St Salvator’s Church in Glaslough, has also involved planning for the construction of a Sunday School room and restoration of stained glass windows, participation in heritage days and assisting with the community choir.
One of the highlights of the year in St. Salvator’s Church is the Winter’s Tale, a series of evenings of Christmas readings and music followed by refreshments in Castle Leslie nearby.
Revd Capper has also served as Chairman of the management committee of The Billis National School, Glaslough.
Prior to her training for Church of Ireland Ministry, Revd Capper was involved in teaching, managing an occupational health company and working as a librarian at Enniskillen Collegiate Grammar School.
Her last services in the Donagh Group were Sunday last, 5th July.
Originally from Dollingstown, outside Lurgan, she grew up worshipping at The Church of Holy and Undivided Trinity, Magheralin Parish.
She now joins one of her sisters in full-time Church of Ireland ministry. Revd Lorraine has two sisters, Wilma, a P.A. in an architectural practice and Revd Joanne Megarrell, Rector of St. John’s Parish, Moira and a brother, Robin, an examiner with CCEA.
Among her hobbies are singing, cookery and reading.
Revd Lorraine says she has very much mixed emotions about her appointment.
She said; “With the help of God I will be able to rise to the challenge. When I think about this new chapter in my ministry I know God is opening this door for me.
“I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my time in Donagh Group,” she added.
The institution of Revd Lorraine Capper as incumbent of Galloon, Sallaghy and Drummully will take place online on Thursday, July 9th at 8pm.
Bishops’ Appeal giving has made a difference
Photo above – Aida collects water from a Tearfund-supported project in Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley.
The latest newsletter from Bishops’ Appeal highlights how donations from members of the Church of Ireland are helping vulnerable people, and their communities, to survive during the current pandemic.?
Read about projects being supported around the world and the difference that they make – in Northern Argentina, Bangladesh, Sierra Leone, Zambia, South Sudan, and East Africa.
To support these efforts, you can donate to the Bishops’ Appeal, selecting our Covid-19 emergency appeal or donating to our General Funds. One gives relief in times of crisis, the other builds resilience to help withstand crisis.
Bishops’ Appeal is the Church of Ireland’s World Aid and Development Programme. It was set up by the Bishops of the Church in response to the commands in the Bible to bring good news to the poor and relief to the suffering.
[[] www.bishopsappeal.ireland.anglican.org ]
Food for thought
Points for prayer
A prayer for July
“In this strangest of years,
As we have watched winter bloom to spring, unfold to summer
From behind our windows and doors,
Speak to us, God of promise and hope…”
Today we continue to pray for those struggling with addiction. Research suggests that over a third of those who were in recovery from addiction have reported a relapse during lockdown. We pray for your peace and that they can access the right support they need.
As instances of #COVID19 fluctuate in different places we pray for wisdom for those in authority to make the right decisions on how to bring the numbers of infections down whilst giving people as much freedom of movement as is sensible.
God in Creation