Presbyterian Church’s concern continues about new same-sex religious marriage regulations for NI

Local businesses, such as florists and photographers are vulnerable

In a statement on the new regulations, Rev Daniel Kane, Convener of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland’s (PCI) Council for Public Affairs said, “The position of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland on marriage is well known.

“As a denomination we uphold the historic and Christian understanding that marriage is exclusively between one man and one woman. This understanding is in keeping with historic, mainstream and orthodox Christian teaching, and the biblical position of marriage that is also held by the vast majority of countries worldwide. We have consistently opposed the redefinition of marriage, and therefore as a Church, we welcome the fact that the regulations acknowledge in law the right of PCI, and other religious bodies, to maintain its position and not undertake such ceremonies.

“Looking at the broader picture, in our response to the public consultation on this issue, we voiced significant concern about the increased trend towards what we see as the almost enforced privatisation of religious conviction and belief, including the Christian faith, in the public square.”

Mr Kane, who is the minister of West Church Presbyterian in Ballymena, continued, “We therefore regret the fact that these regulations prevent local businesses, such as florists and photographers, from separating their business practices from their right to manifest their religion in practice and observance – protections provided by the European Convention on Human Rights. The same could be said of those employed by local authorities and other public bodies.

“In an increasingly pluralist society, creative ways should surely be found to facilitate reasonable accommodations that properly value the role of conscience in the public square. I am thinking, for example, of a civil registrar, who may not wish to officiate at a same-sex marriage ceremony. If such a case arose, surely a local council could provide alternative arrangements to protect that employee’s freedom of conscience, whilst not frustrating the legal right of individuals to avail of the new legislative provisions.”

Mr Kane concluded by saying, “It is certainly not a licence to discriminate. In these matters reasonable accommodations must be found and if necessary provided for through new local legislation. To compel people of faith to compromise their strongly held religious convictions, or indeed force people of faith out of valuable roles in our community, runs contrary to what we all desire – an open and tolerant society where everyone can play their part.”

## Rev Daniel Kane
Daniel Kane is currently minister of West Church, Ballymena in County Antrim. Born in Ballymoney, in 1960 he was educated at Ballycastle High School, Queen’s University, Belfast, Aberdeen University and Union Theological College. He was ordained as Assistant Minister in Carryduff Presbyterian in 1986 and installed as minister of First Killyleagh, in County Down in 1988, were he ministered until being called to West Church in the year 2000. Daniel was convener of PCI’s Youth Service and Leadership Training Committee from 1988 to 1993 and Youth Board from 1993-2000. He became convener of the Council for Public Affairs in 2019.

## Same-sex marriage: The direction of the 2015 General Assembly
From the Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland 2015 (page 72)

Moved by the Rev TD Gribben, seconded by the Very Rev Dr RL Craig, and agreed:

22. Recognising that the Presbyterian Church in Ireland affirms the biblical position of marriage as being exclusively between one man and one woman, the General Assembly direct:

(i) that Ministers and Licentiates of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland shall not conduct, nor assist in leading, services of marriage for same sex couples and that Presbyterian Church in Ireland premises shall not be used by others for such services;

(ii) (ii) that Ministers and Licentiates of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland shall not conduct, nor assist in leading, services of blessing, or any similar services, for same sex couples involved in either a civil partnership or civil marriage and that Presbyterian Church in Ireland premises shall not be used by any others for such services.