St Fin Barre’s Cathedral, Cork, open for visitors
Photo above – St Fin Barre’s. It’s great to see the cathedral up and running again for visitors: Monday-Saturday 10am-1pm & 2pm-5.30pm
Cooperation Ireland small grants
Small Capital Grants Programme – provides grants of between £1,500 and £5,000 towards the purchase of items such as IT equipment, sporting equipment, catering equipment and material to support arts and cultural activities within the voluntary and community sector. Applications are invited from constituted organisations that have an annual income of no more than £100,000.
The Programme, which has a total fund of £800,000, is aimed at assisting voluntary and community organisations purchase items of equipment to enhance and sustain the activities and services they provide to the community.
Further details on how to apply are available on the Co-operation Ireland website [ ]
Contact David Knox, Funding Consultant on +44 7715 893591
Churches should get ‘covid grants’ – TD
Churches should be treated like any other institution when it comes to covid grants, said Fianna Fáil TD Jackie Cahill.
Deputy Cahill told The Irish Catholic that Churches loss of income and expenses accrued as a result of lockdown should be taken into account.
“Like many other institutions, Churches’ sources of income have been greatly restricted,” said Mr Cahill.
“If you’re spending money providing a service, other organisations are able to avail of funds, so why should Churches be any different?”
Deputy Cahill believes that if Churches can show they have legitimate expenses from helping people through the covid crisis, they should have access to funding.
Deputy Cahill queried the availability of grant aid for Churches with the Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphries. Ms Humphries said her Department is providing assistance to organisations the Community and Voluntary Sector Covid-19 Stability Fund.
“This fund is intended to be a targeted once-off cash injection for organisations and groups currently delivering critical front-line services to the most at need in our society and in danger of imminent closure due to lost fund-raised or traded income as a direct result of restrictions to counter the spread of Covid-19,” Ms Humphries explained.
Mary Sumner Day resources
9th August 2020 is Mary Sumner Day when we remember our founder and her vision for our movement. We have produced a pack of resources for those of you who want to celebrate and acknowledge the day this year.
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Vanished heritage
Spotted on Face Book – St Andrew’s Church of Ireland parish in Belfast was formed in July 1867 out of part of what was Christchurch parish.
The parish church was opened in 1870 on the patch of ground now covered by a car park at the Hope Street entrance to Great Victoria Street railway station (the access road surrounding the car park is still officially “St Andrew’s Square”). This church closed in 1971 due to depopulation of the inner city and the beginning of redevelopment in Sandy Row.
Gone from Hope Street, is the old time sweetie shop in which TIME stood still!
Gone, are the pubs eg…The Boyne Tavern, The Klondyke Bar!
Gone, are The People, The Community that once was!
Invitation to Virtual tour of Israel
Northern Ireland Friends of Israel will be shortly embarking on a Virtual tour of Israel – visiting places in the Land with special connections to Northern Ireland.
You are invited to join NIFI on its Facebook page!
A spokesperson said “We guarantee no matter how many times you have visited Israel – or never – you will be amazed!
“For instance, every square on this map has a connection with a man born in Londonderry and educated in Enniskillen, who certainly left his mark on Israel.
“Our virtual tour will take us from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv, and from the Negev desert to the Galilee.
“Learn how men and women from Northern Ireland had a pivotal role to play in Israel’s most remarkable achievements
“We will be meeting Israelis via video and discovering about people and places you may never have heard of before……all with a link to Northern Ireland.
“Cost of flights and accommodation – nothing!
“Passport and quarantine requirements – none!
“All you have to do is mark your diaries Monday 27 July and our tour will be taking off from our Facebook Page that day:
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Food for thought
We remember today the parts of the world which are particularly struggling from the consequences of climate change. We pray for the work of our members in those places as they adapt and help others to flourish in new ways.
Teenage years are complicated at the best of times, and especially when living through such a period of uncertainty. Let’s pray for teenagers, that they’ll have the help they need to successfully navigate their way through, practically, emotionally and spiritually – Mothers Union
Pray for Neville Willerton, Director of Operations Church Army, in his conversations with dioceses across the UK & Ireland to create new partnerships and reach more people with the Good News of Jesus
We pray for pregnant garment workers in Bangladesh. Reports suggest that as orders plummet during Covid-19 employers are forcing out pregnant workers to avoid paying maternity benefits. We pray for an end to this injustice and protection for workers’ rights.
God in Creation