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Parish appreciation of retiring Priest-in-Charge

Photo above – The Rev Bobbie Moore has retired as Priest-in-Charge of the Parish of St Aidan, Blythe Street, in Belfast’s Sandy Row area, following her final service in the church on Sunday September 27.

Bobbie, who is married to the Rev Raymond Moore, Priest-in-Charge of St Simon’s Parish Church, was ordained in the Non Stipendiary Ministry in the Diocese of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh in 2006.

The couple later spent two years working with the Diocese of Melbourne, Australia, before taking up their roles in St Simon’s and St Aidan’s.

Bobbie has been Mission Director of Bird of Paradise Ministries, which supports elderly people in Rwanda, since 2015, and at Sunday’s service Bishop George Davison commissioned her to continue her ministry with the charity.

Churchwarden Barbara Boden presented Bobbie with a gift and flowers as a thank you from the parishioners of St Aidan’s.

Prior to her ordination, Bobbie worked for Mid African Ministries (which later became integrated with Church Mission Society Ireland) for 16 years.

C of I Priorities Fund seeks to ease financial pressures

The Priorities Fund Committee has been considering ways in which it could support the dioceses through this difficult period by easing financial pressures. In partnership with the RCB, a grant of €10,000 was made available to each diocese in March to help with establishing online communications.

The committee is expecting a reduced number of applications in October 2020 as it will be challenging for parishes to consider new projects and ministries at this time. The closing date for applications, as before, is 31st October.

Due to an anticipated reduction in grants released, the fund may not need the same income for the 2020 financial year, and the committee has therefore agreed to reduce the level of contributions required from the dioceses. The contribution target for each diocese will remain the same but it is proposed that each diocese should only contribute 50% of its target amount in 2020 and 75% in 2021. Full contributions from all dioceses are envisaged in 2022 as a more normal routine returns.

The Priorities Fund Committee wishes to help and encourage each diocese and parish through the exceptional challenges they face at present.
[ www.priorities.ireland.anglican.org/contact ]

Motor Cycle Union of Ireland chaplain passes away following illness

Well-known Motor Cycle Union of Ireland (Ulster Centre) chaplain Rev Noel Agnew has sadly passed away following a short period of illness.

The retired Minister suffered a heart attack following practice for the Cookstown 100 motorcycle races on Friday, September 11.

He received immediate attention from paramedics at the scene who were in attendance at the race before being rushed to Craigavon Area Hospital, where his condition was initially described as seriously ill.

However, he began to improve in the following days and was showing some positive signs of recovery.

As recently as last Tuesday, an update posted on the Newington Presbyterian Church Facebook page said that Rev Agnew was ‘continuing to make good progress’ after undergoing surgery.

Sadly, it was confirmed on Wednesday evening that the popular motorcycle racing chaplain had died.

Roy Biggerstaff, circuit manager at Bishopscourt Racing Circuit and a close friend of Rev Agnew, said he was ‘shocked’ by the news.

In a Facebook post, he said: “It is with great regret that I have to tell you that my good friend Rev Noel Agnew passed away around 5pm today.

“I’m totally in shock as he was making good progress and talking about getting home”

RTE broadcast Service from St Paul’s, Glenageary

RTÉ to broadcast a Service of the Word this Sunday, led by the Revd Gary Dowd, from St Paul’s, Glenageary, and featuring members of the choir and congregation, will be broadcast on RTÉ One television, RTÉ Radio One… bit.ly/3l42rzo

Sunday Reflection with the Archbishop of York

This week’s Sunday Reflection from the Archbishop of York is now live. Please feel free to download or use the video in your services in church or online.
[ https://vimeo.com/dioceseofyork ]

Tesco Bags of Help grant

Bags of Help is Tesco’s local community grant scheme, which funds thousands of community projects every year. The projects must meet the criteria of bringing benefits to the community. During October, November and December 2020 the grant scheme will provide grants of £1000 to support projects focused on local children and young people.

If you’re an organisation helping young people and children, you can now apply for a £1k Tesco Bags of Help grant. For the next 3 months, Tesco are making £2m of funding available to youth projects across the UK. A little help makes a big difference. Apply now here:
[[] https://www.tescoplc.com/sustainability/places/community-grants/bags-of-help/ ]

Well said

Only 6 friends, table service and finished by 10 pm. That’s not fighting a pandemic, those are the criteria for a middle-aged night out…

Pointers to Prayer

Today we pray for those struggling with mental health problems after renewed restrictions. A recent study shows that women’s mental health has particularly suffered due to worries about income and increased caring responsibilities.

Pray for wise restraint and the observation of necessary restrictions across society, enabling attempts to avoid spreading the virus as more time is spent indoors and there is greater risk of the spread of infection during winter months.

As one season ends and another dawns, this heralds a variety of different weathers, from autumnal to spring-like, depending on where we live in the world. Whatever conditions we’re experiencing may we gladly embrace the changing elements, giving thanks to God for his wonderful creation.

God in creation

Harvest Moon, Titanic Quarter, Belfast
