News, views, resources, and online events
Bishop of Down & Dromore completes a visitation of the diocese
As lockdown lifted at the end of June, Bishop David McClay began a visitation of every church in the diocese to meet parish leaders (in a socially distanced manner) and to pray.
“It was such a privilege to visit every church building and the new church plants, 117 in total,” he said.
“After weeks of restrictions on our social contacts I met with each rector along with other staff and representatives of the Select Vestry. I was glad to be able to thank them in person for the outstanding ministry they have provided to the people of our parishes, especially during the months of lockdown.”
Beginning in Helen’s Bay and ending with Belvoir Parish, Bishop David also read a Psalm and prayed in every one of the church buildings.
He continued: “At each visit I read the words of Psalm 122 and prayed for all the people who live in our parishes. Every church has a parish and we are so blessed by the resource that our church buildings are for Kingdom ministry. However, we must never forget that God has entrusted to us ‘the cure of souls’; every soul, every person that lives in our parishes.
This is our mission; this is the ministry which God has entrusted to our diocese.”
Photographs of the visitation at –
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Duke of Edinburgh volunteer recognised
Last Saturday it was announced that The Queen had awarded the British Empire Medal to Mr Tom McCormick on the occasion of Her Majesty’s Birthday.
Tom is a really dedicated D of E Leader through Boys’ Brigade Northern Ireland, a member of the DofE Award volunteer training team involved in DES training, a GAP steward and always willing to lend a hand to the Regional Office!
For many years Tom has supported BB and Girls’ Brigade Northern Ireland with their outdoor leadership training and this has allowed countless young people to take part in their D of E Awards. Congratulations Tom and this is such a well deserved honour!
Connect – Daily Online Devotions for youth, children’s and family workers
The Church of Ireland Youth Department (CIYD) and the Irish Methodist Youth and Children’s Department (IMYC) invite you to a week of morning devotions with guest speakers each day and some time for prayer together as well. See below & sign up!
Connect is training and support for vocational children’s, youth and family workers. Pause each morning as we start our day in God’s word and praying together.
Coming up from Monday, 2nd November, to Friday, 6th November.
Sign up here: [ ]
Rabbi Sacks diagnosed with cancer
A spokesperson for The Office of Rabbi Sacks issued the following statement on Thursday 15th October 2020 –
“Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks has been recently diagnosed with cancer and is currently undergoing treatment to aid his recovery. He remains positive and upbeat and will now spend a period of time focused on the treatment he is receiving from his excellent medical team. He is looking forward to returning to his work as soon as possible. For those who wish to include Rabbi Sacks in their prayers and thoughts, his Hebrew name is HaRav Ya’akov Zvi ben Liba.”
Clogher institution by Zoom
Due to Covid-19 regulations, there will be no Service of Institution held at the church on Friday 23rd October for Reverend Francis Rutledge (the institution will now take place via zoom meeting). Reverend Frances Rutledge’s first service at Ardess Parish Church will be on Sunday 25th October 2020.
Well said
Pointers for Prayer
Please pray for Church Army key workers who are involved in distributing food and supplies; that they will have new opportunities to make connections with the people who visit.
Today we pray for children in west and central Africa. Unicef has warned that the closure of schools during the pandemic has led to millions being unable to access education, leaving children at risk of child marriage, early pregnancy and recruitment by local armed groups.
Homelessness – Today we give thanks for charities working to support rough sleepers and other homeless people during the pandemic. Homeless Sunday past stressed that a difficult winter lies ahead for those without a home or facing homelessness.
Tearfund NI – We have recently implemented a new project in Sierra Leone to help end cases of Female Genital Mutilation or Cutting (FGM/C). This will help to empower women in their communities, and sit alongside our other initiatives to reduce this horrific abuse. Pray for an end to FGM/C.
CMSI – Urgent prayer for Olo: Eight people, including four young women, have been taken from an archdeaconry within Olo Diocese by a team of armed men. Bishop Tandema of Olo Diocese, South Sudan asks for your urgent prayers for the abducted people, for the remaining Christians who are now living in fear and for wisdom for the Archdeacon of the area Ven. Justin Kembo.
God in creation