Rosemary Kempsell, Worldwide President of Mothers’ Union writes
From centre to local and back again!
Mothers’ Union conferences are a two way dialogue. A learning zone for us all. Each year in the UK & Ireland we indulge in a conference season that brings together the staff from Mary Sumner House & Dioceasan Leaders for face to face sessions to exchange ideas, discover new skills, and share fresh information and forward thinking.
Most are volunteers and in the Mothers’ Union we value the huge contribution our volunteers make to the running of the Organisation, enabling members through the Organisation’s objectives to impact on society both through centrally managed projects and local initiatives.
Mothers’ Union is amazingly diverse but at the same time incredibly unified and members are passionate about making a difference in their own communities. It is the bond between members that creates such strength in the Organisation.
The Treasurers and Secretaries have been first to meet this year. These are the backroom guys, who so often work industriously behind the scenes quietly keeping tabs on what is spent in the name of Mothers’ Union, until asked to explain the annual accounts. It is the Secretaries who are often the first point of contact that enquirers have with the Organisation and create the first impression of Mothers’ Union to the rest of the world.