360 Miscellany – News, views, resources, and online events

The autumn issue of the diocesan magazine ‘Connor Connections’ is now available to download at https://bit.ly/37ugGdt or read in E-Paper format at https://bit.ly/37vL07y. Find out more about what you can read inside at https://bit.ly/31vTQhI.
Engage Connor Youth; Ripple Connor; The Church Lads’ & Church Girls’ Brigade – CLCGB; jubilee; CMS Ireland; Bishop of Connor; Belfast Cathedral

Boys’ Brigade seeks Director for Northern Ireland

Details of this interesting vocational position are available at –

Music for Galway

Sunday Oct 25th 5pm!

Will be available to purchase and view up to 96 hours after initial stream!

SoundScapes Re-Imagined opens with Abendmusik which introduces a new series of vocal music to Galway. The first of five Abendmusik live-stream concerts takes place on Sunday 25 October 2020 / 5pm, at St. Nicholas Collegiate Church in Galway city centre.

Entitled Journey of the Spirit, the concert features baritone Gyula Nagy, with pianist Finghin Collins, and the Resurgam choir under director Mark Duley. The music includes Brahms Four Serious Songs, and J.S. Bach Komm Jesu komm.

A special feature of the concert will be a choral improvisation entitled Through a glass, darkly. For this, Resurgam will put its scores aside and travel off-piste for a moment, to explore these resonant words of St Paul in the freshest and most immediate way possible – an improvised short motet where the singers individually throw out ideas, and collectively respond. Anything could happen!

Tickets Only €12. https://bit.ly/34jQYGB

The Ministry of Healing at The Mount, Belfast

The Reverend Pat Mollan writes – The Church of Ireland created two autonomous charities in 2009 to enhance the Healing Ministry, one based in Dublin, the other in Belfast. There is no hierarchical structure, geographical, diocesan or indeed doctrinal partition in the Church’s Ministry of Healing. The Belfast Ministry is open to those of any faith and none, and is not geographically restricted. The Ministry is free at the point of need where necessary, and therefore depends on financial support from the community, and we welcome contributions to our work.

Retaining the heritage and dedication of The Mount, The Church’s Ministry of Healing–The Mount is a cross-community, inter-denominational outreach of the Church of Ireland to those of any faith or none, who are in difficulty and who need help. We seek to promote, and give everyone, irrespective of their cultural or religious affiliation, access to God’s healing power through Jesus Christ.

Christian healing, secular counselling and personal ministry, is delivered in a non-judgmental, accepting, professional, ethical and theologically sound manner.

The Ministry is grounded in the Christian values of hospitality, belonging and wholeness which fosters opportunities for healing, growth and reconciliation at an individual and communal level so that all can reach their fullest potential. This is achieved through a wide range of professional and strictly confidential counselling and support services, which are provided in a private, safe, and non-judgmental environment.

Our mission is to bring peace and harmony in an increasingly troubled world, and this is delivered in a secure, ethical and theologically sound manner, so that all may receive God’s grace. The ministry is complemented by a professionally supervised, secular, non-judgmental, qualified counselling service.

Our aim is to journey with individuals who struggle with daily life; especially those in physical pain and distress, emotional turmoil and spiritual discomfort to bring them hope and courage, peace of mind and tranquility of spirit, in the presence and nurture of Almighty God.

Connor MU Thanksgiving Service to be live-streamed

Connor Mothers’ Union is holding a Service of Thanksgiving in All Saints’ Parish Church, Antrim, on Sunday October 25 at 3.30pm.

The service will be live-streamed as, due to the current Covid-19 restrictions and social distancing rules, only Trustees and Executive Members will be in attendance.

The Bishop of Connor, the Rt Rev George Davison, will be taking part, and the service will include the commissioning of Trustees and Executive members.

CMSI response to Covid-19 in Ethiopia

The new Diocese of Gambella in Ethiopia is a fast growing part of the Province of Alexandria: from 7 Anglican churches in 2000 the region now has 140. However, food insecurity is a constant concern for Gambella’s families. Over the past two months the church has been able to distribute food packages to vulnerable families and CMSI was delighted to stand with them through the kind donations to its Covid-19 Response Appeal, Thank you!

Pointers to Prayer

We pray today for all those suffering from COVID-19 at this time, and especially today for those struggling with mental illness in isolation.

Heather McCracken is a PCI deaconess in the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust. She asks us to pray for healthcare workers in hospitals and hospices, that God would give them strength for each day and foresight as they make decisions.

Pray for peace in the healthcare system in the midst of the unknown and that Heather and others working in healthcare would be able to share the hope of Christ with staff and patients.

Christine Wilson, a PCI Community outreach worker in Lisnabreen, asks us to give thanks for the creative ways they have been able to reach the most vulnerable during the pandemic. Pray for deeper relationships and more opportunities to witness. Pray for wisdom in dealing with increasing mental health issues.

Josh McCance, a PCI Community outreach worker in Balbriggan, asks us to pray for the congregation in Balbriggan, that God would protect them in the midst of changing restrictions and that they would grow in their faith through the online Christianity Explored course and Home Group.

The Lord bless us and keep us, the Lord make his face to shine upon us and be gracious to us, the Lord lift up the light of his countenance upon us and give us peace. Amen.
