Bishop’s Disestablishment 150 Tour goes virtual

Bishops’ Appeal literacy projects in the developing world in association with Mothers’ Union and Feed the Minds will benefit

The Disestablishment 150 Virtual Tour by the Right Reverend Michael Burrows, Bishop of Cashel, Ferns & Ossory, will take place between November 12th and December 12th.

Originally planned as a road trip round the diocese Bishop Burrows will, due to lockdown, instead provide an online reflection about one year in each of the past 150 as he ‘visits’ each of the 150 churches in his diocese over a period of 15 non–consecutive days.

The tour begins on Wednesday, November 12th 2020

All funds raised will go to Bishops’ Appeal literacy projects in the developing world in association with Mothers’ Union and Feed the Minds.

“Although my peregrination plans are now largely virtual, they can, perhaps, in some way warm our hearts as we prepare for a rather strange Christmas,” Bishop Burrows says.

“This ‘virtual’ road run also makes a measure of historical sense as the years between 1870 and 2020 are now bookended by two crises which shook the Church of Ireland and the society in which it is set: Disestablishment and Covid–19. Both tested the resourcefulness of the church; both involved great faith and generosity to allow the church to travel safely through a human, pastoral and economic crisis.”

The audio talks will be available on this diocesan website cashel.anglican.org and on our Facebook page at the time originally scheduled for Bishop Burrows’ arrival at each particular church, providing a cumulative chronicle of his tour.

The timetable is available via –
[[] https://cashel.anglican.org/ ]

Topics for the day will be posted each morning.

In relation to fund–raising, he had this to say: “I’m definitely not expecting to receive a specific amount from each parish in light of the great economic challenges faced by parishes. However, the needs of the poor do not go away. Before the pandemic I made a commitment to raise particular sums for Feed the Minds and Mothers’ Union projects. These agencies understand the reality of diocesan life now but hold out a hope that I might raise for them at least something of what I had promised.

“So, if individuals or parishes feel they can manage to give anything to needs beyond the local, I will be delighted to receive electronic contributions via our online platform.

Cheques made payable to Church of Ireland Bishops’ Appeal – sent to the Diocesan Secretary, Diocesan Office, Palace Coach House, Church Lane, Kilkenny, would be most welcome also.”

Donations also can be made at –
[[] https://www.idonate.ie/fundraiser/11393201_bishop-s-150-virtual-tour.html ]
