360 Miscellany – News, views, resources, and online events

Free talk by Lord Williams at Canterbury Cathedral on Zoom

On 10 Dec at 17.30, join Rowan Williams – theologian, poet, and 104th Archbishop of Canterbury – for his lecture, Saving our Order: Thomas Becket, Henry II and the Law of Church and State. The talk will be delivered via Zoom.

Register for free tickets ➡️ [ bit.ly/RWTalk ]


Christ Church Cathedral seeks volunteers to stage live Nativity

Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin is already planning for a very different sort of Advent and Christmas this year.

As part of the diocesan cathedral’s programme for December it is hoped to stage an outdoor live Nativity, making use of the beautiful grounds as a gathering space in a way that will be consistent with the requirements of social distancing.

To help make this happen, they are putting a call out for volunteers. The Dean’s Vicar, the Revd Abigail Sines explains what they are looking for.

“We will need stewards and a cast of silent ‘players’ – imagine a series of live Christmas card scenes against the background of pre–recorded narration. We are planning the programme for December 18 and 19. Ideally volunteers would be available on both days, from 3.30pm to 8.00pm,” she says.

If you would like to be part of this new initiative please contact the Dean’s Vicar at [ abigail@christchurch.ie. ]

Christmas help from SVP

SVP knows it will be a different type of Christmas this year. If you or your family need help, please contact SVP locally or online between November 1st and December 15th. This will enable our volunteers to provide assistance to you in time for Christmas http://svp.ie/requesthelp

Presbyterian podcast #22 – Refined Youth & Children’s Ministry

Youth and children’s ministry is yet another area of congregational life that has been undergoing refinement this year. PCI’s Ruth Bromley (Children’s Development Officer) and Graeme Thompson (Youth Development Officer) join Rick Hill to reflect on this and share what they have been hearing from recent conversations with a variety of leaders, volunteers and staff across the denomination.

They discuss current challenges, and also provide examples of good practice they’ve observed, and share about their engagement in children’s and youth ministry in their own congregation in recent months. Christine Wilson (Carnmoney) also joins the podcast to share how in-person children’s ministry has been delivered in her congregation on Sunday mornings since August.

This podcast is part of the Refined digital programme of resources https://presbyterianireland.org/refined to support and develop congregational life and witness.

An upcoming webinar focused on Youth & Children’s Ministry is mentioned during the podcast. It will take place on Wednesday 25 November from 8-9pm. Registration is now open at [ https://www.presbyterianireland.org/events ]

If you have a story of how your congregation is coping with the new Coronavirus restrictions, please email details to [ rhill@presbyterianireland.org ]

Well said

Pointers for Prayer

Today we pray for asylum seekers crossing seas to reach safety. Last week, two children died in the Channel and more than 100 drowned off Senegal after an explosion.

Give thanks for the formation of the new Province of Alexandria, which will consist of the Dioceses of Egypt, North Africa, Gambella and the Horn of Africa. Pray for Archbishop Mouneer as he undertakes leadership, with many challenges to face – CMSI

Today we give thanks for God’s beautiful creation. Recently, Australian scientists have discovered a detached reef taller than the Empire State Building at the northern end of the Great Barrier Reef

Pray for the complex situation which has arisen from demands of the Protestant Churches in Egypt (PCE) upon the Anglican Church in Egypt. A new court case has been raised and Bishop Mouneer asks for our prayers for these difficult issues.- CMSI

God in creation

In the Prayer Garden at Belvoir Parish, Belfast
