C of I news briefs

Tribute to Archbishop Neill, Dublin and Glendalough clergy record, Connor retirement, Dean of Waterford, Appointment at CITI of Director of CME and Lay Training, Limerick mission event

Tribute to Archbishop Neill

At the diocesan synod the Archbishop of Dublin said, “My immediate predecessor Dr Neill was held in very high esteem and warm affection. He served these dioceses as bishop with considerable personal selflessness for almost a decade. In every aspect, Dr Neill sought fervently to make God known in the Trinitarian presence and operation of that same God. Nothing was a chore to him. Pastoral concern for clergy and people along with a distinctive liturgical style enabled everyone to recognize him wherever he found himself. We wish both him and Mrs Betty Neill all that is good in retirement in Bennetsbridge, County Kilkenny. I am sure that everyone would like good wishes to be conveyed to the Neills from these Diocesan Synods today.”

Dublin and Glendalough clergy record

At the diocesan synod the Archbishop of Dublin paid tribute to a number of clergy. He said, “We remember with sadness the deaths of the Reverend John Gordon, the Reverend Margaret Gilbert and the Reverend Canon Eric Despard. We wish all that is best to those who have retired: The Reverend Canon Cecil Mills, the Reverend Declan Smith, the Reverend Canon Desmond Sinnamon and to those whose work has taken them beyond the Diocese of Dublin and Glendalough: the Reverend Neal Phair, the Reverend Ed Vaughan, the Reverend Jonathan Kissell, the Reverend Tim Silk, the Reverend Tim Irvine and soon to depart the Reverend JP Kavanagh. We welcome to the Dioceses the Reverend Craig Cooney as chaplain of CORE St Catherine’s and the Reverend Dr William Olhausen as rector of Killiney Ballybrack, and in new capacities the familiar faces of the Reverend Stephen Farrell as rector of Zion and the Reverend Trevor Stevenson as chaplain of Crinken St James. We are delighted that four priests and six deacons have been ordained in Christ Church Cathedral this year and wish the newly ordained everything that is best in their ministry among us. We remain indebted to the many retired clergy and Readers who so willingly undertake duties in the United Dioceses. We continue to have a very healthy number of ordinands in training and rich engagement with them on the part of our parishes through placements.”

Connor retirement

Canon Walter Lewis, rector of St Thomas’, Belfast (Connor) is to retire in January. He is a Canon of Belfast Cathedral. He has been rector since 1984 when he succeeded the late Canon EPM Elliott. Canon Lewis has overseen several major developments of the parish plant. He has been heavily involved in inter-church dialogue and particularly with the Lutheran Church in the Diocese of Linjkopping, Sweden.

Dean of Waterford
The Board of Nomination for Waterford has nominated the Revd Maria Jansson to be the next incumbent of Christ Church Waterford. The Bishop has also appointed her as Dean of Waterford. A date for the Installation has yet to be finalised, but it is likely to be early in December.

Appointment at CITI of Director of CME and Lay Training

The Church of Ireland Theological Institute has announced the appointment of Peter Hamill as Director of Continuing Ministerial Education and Lay Training.  The post will take effect from 1st January 2012 and is initially for a period of four years.  The provision of both the post and the various programmes which it will facilitate has been made possible through the generosity of a grant from the Church of Ireland Priorities Fund.

Commenting on the appointment,the Director, Rev Dr Maurice Elliott, said, ‘This new role will further facilitate CITI in fulfilling two critical aspects of the original vision of the bishops – the prioritising of a culture of life-long learning amongst the clergy and the development of an Institute which might begin to serve the needs of the whole church.  On the basis of his own study and research, his previous breadth of experience and his current position in the diocese of Connor Peter Hamill is ideally suited to this role.  We look forward very much to welcoming Peter, his wife and family as members of the CITI community.  I am confident that under Peter’s skilful direction this exciting new departure within training will become a matter of lasting significance for the whole of the Church of Ireland.’

The Chair of the Governing Council, the Most Rev Dr Michael Jackson, commented, ‘I am delighted that Mr. Peter Hamill has been appointed to the position of Director of Continuing Ministerial Education and Lay Training in the Church of Ireland Theological institute. Peter’s range of experience, depth of commitment and creativity in education equip him well for this position. It comes at a time when the Institute is seeking to expand and to integrate lay ministry, Continuing Ministerial Education for clergy and the new Reader Training programme. We acknowledge with gratitude the generosity of the Church of Ireland Priorities Fund in making this appointment possible and wish Peter all that is best as he embarks on a new phase in his life and ours.’

Limerick mission event
Today the Diocesan Board of Mission is holding an information evening for Parish Mission Coordinators and Parish Clergy on the Swaziland Farm Project supported by USPG Ireland. This project is the central focus of this year’s Mission Sunday efforts. As well as information about the Farm Project there will be an opportunity to hear about other mission projects in the diocese and to explore the potential for co-ordinating mission efforts throughout the diocese. The event is in theWoodland’s Hotel, Adare at 8:00 p.m.