
USA: Archbishop Desmond Tutu Praises Presbyterian Church

Nobel Laureate and retired Anglican Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa has defended the Presbyterian Church (USA) decision to accommodate the ordination of practicing homosexuals.

In an open letter to Stated Clerk Rev. Grayde Parsons, Archbishop Tutu wrote: “It is incumbent upon all of God’s children to speak out against injustice. It is sometimes equally important to speak in solidarity when justice has been done. For that reason I am writing to affirm my belief that in making room in your constitution for gay and lesbian Christians to be ordained as church leaders, you have accomplished an act of justice.”

Archbishop Tutu is no stranger to controversy. His willingness to pick sides on every major hot button issue today has won him a host of friends and enemies. Most people perhaps remember him for his courageous and unequivocal fight to end apartheid in South Africa. But he has more recently weighed in on everything from climate change to Arizona’s immigration law. Despite his accomplishments over the last 80 years, he has routinely promoted with the Religious Left ideology whether it be as the vice-director of the Theology Education Fund at the World Council of Churches or as a patron of the anti-Israel Sabeel International. It is, therefore, no surprise to see him supporting the radical LBGT agenda. He is unlike the vast majority of African church leaders who affirm orthodox Christian teachings.