Speaking to the Soul – Christmas 3

Privilege of Prayer

One day Zechariah was serving God in the Temple, for his section was on duty that week. As was the custom of the priests, he was chosen by lot to enter the sanctuary of the Lord and burn incense. While the incense was being burned, a great crowd stood outside, praying.
Luke 1:8-10

Luke draws attention to the importance of prayer more than any of the other Gospel writers. He presents Jesus as the man of prayer so it is not surprising that, right at the start of his Gospel account, Luke draws attention to the fact that there was a crowd of people praying. As Zechariah performed his duty in the temple, it was a supremely holy moment, and one of breath-taking importance for Zechariah. Although he was involved in serving in the temple twice a year, priests were only allowed the privilege of entering the sanctuary to burn incense only once in a lifetime. There were probably about 1,000 priests in Zechariah’s section, so some priests never had the privilege of performing this sacred duty.

Zechariah was clearly a man of prayer. Although he would have been acutely aware of his priestly responsibilities, he also came before God with his and Elizabeth’s very personal burden of childlessness. In the sanctuary, he met with an angel. Zechariah was shaken and overwhelmed with fear, but the angel reassured him and told him not to be afraid, God had heard his prayer. Elizabeth would give birth to a son who would be called John, the angel continued.

God meets with us all in very different ways. He never asks us to put on an act but to simply come as we are and be honest with him. God met with Zechariah in his old age and his despair. He answered his prayer and Zechariah’s life was totally transformed. As we open our lives to God in prayer, we should also expect that God will touch us and bless us in miraculous ways.

When you pray today, what will you be asking God to do?
Lord God, thank you for the privilege of prayer. Help me always to treasure this wonderful gift. Amen