God’s wisdom
If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. James 1:5
Whether we are looking at major life changing decisions or little day-to-day issues, we all need wisdom. This verse reminds us that God is generous and loves to give his wisdom to us. When we ask for wisdom we can do so with confidence, knowing that he’s not going to make us feel embarrassed for asking. You couldn’t blame him if he said to us: “What, you again? Have you still not worked it out? I can’t believe you still haven’t got the hang of this!” But fortunately, that’s just not how God works. He wants us to ask and is delighted to give us his wisdom.
If we can be confident of God’s desire to give us his wisdom, the most important question is: Do we really want it? Perhaps we enjoy our life the way it is at the moment, and the last thing we would want is for God to disturb it. I remember the time we did some door-to-door visiting in a road of fine, comfortable suburban houses. We were received politely and warmly by the people who lived there but, having told them a little about the Christian message, one after another they said to us: “Thank you so much for visiting but we have everything we need.”
There comes a point in all our lives when we realise that we haven’t got everything we need – and only God can satisfy our deepest longings.
We do have some human wisdom and experience but that is nothing compared with the wisdom of God himself. Whatever you are facing at the moment, you need a wisdom that is beyond yourself. And, when you ask God for it, you can be sure of a warm response from him. He is just longing to share his wisdom with you.
In what way do you need God’s wisdom today?
Loving God, thank you that you are such a generous God. Thank you that you love giving me the wisdom I need. Amen