Sleep well
In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, O Lord, will keep me safe. Psalm 4:8
How are you sleeping at the moment? If you always sleep well, that’s wonderful. But for many people, sleep is hard work. In the UK, 33 per cent of people over the age of 55 struggle to fall asleep quickly. For 25 per cent of adults, money worries are a major factor in disturbing their sleep. No one questions the importance of sleep – and the psalmist was well aware of the blessing it brings.
In this psalm, David was reflecting on the pressures of life. Despairingly, he asked how long he would have to live with people who were trying to ruin his reputation and speaking lies about him. We may not have faced these particular challenges, but many of us will go through tough or unsettling times. Perhaps we will face pressures at work, strained family relationships or health challenges. Such times can shake us and test what we are made of. David responded to his challenges by concluding that he could “be sure of this. The Lord set apart the godly for himself. The Lord will answer when I call to him” (v3).
Amid the many pressures and disappointments of life, David found the secret of sleeping peacefully: through placing his security in the Lord. However fierce or cruel his enemies, God would never let him down. He could always call out to God and know that he would be heard. Whatever you are facing at the moment, make sure that you are placing your life securely in God’s hands. There is no challenge that will defeat him. We can securely come to him in prayer. There is no better preparation for a good night of sleep.
What are the things that help you sleep well?
Loving God, thank you that my life is secure in your hands. Help me to trust you throughout each day and to find the blessing of good sleep at night. Amen