Adventure with God
The Lord had said to Abram, “Leave your native country, your relatives, and your father’s family, and go to the land that I will show you.” Genesis 12:1
I wonder what your life looks like at the moment. I would guess that, for many of us, there are plenty of aspects that suit us really well. Life isn’t perfect, and we can easily come up with some suggested improvements, but the thought of it all changing completely would come as quite a shock. Well, if that’s true for us, imagine how much greater the challenge would have been for Abram. God was taking him away from the security of his wealthy and his comfortable home and leading him on the most incredible adventure, into a land of which he knew nothing. We would be able to reach for our computers and find out information about where we were going, but
not Abram!
Added to that, Abram was 75 when this happens. Most people would hardly consider that the time of life to embark on a daring adventure! But that’s not how God works. Living the life of faith is one long adventure and, whatever our age, we need to be ready for change, because that’s how God works.
The writer to the Hebrews uses the example of Abram as an illustration of faith. He reflects that Abram went out “not knowing where he was going” (Hebrews 11:8). By any normal standard that sounds extremely foolish. Leaving home without having a clue about the destination sounds ridiculous. But Abram was a man of faith. He knew that following God’s will was the wisest possible course of action.
Abram was willing to head out into the unknown – together with his family and cattle – for the simple reason that he trusted God. Thousands of years later, God works in exactly the same way. He may ask us to do something that appears completely crazy by human standards but, when he is truly calling us, it will always be the best way.
Are you willing to go on an adventure with God?
Loving Father, thank you that you still call people to live by faith today. Help me to be willing to go on an adventure with you. Amen