24-7 and Alpha team up to fill churches with prayer

24-7 Prayer and Alpha are joining forces to equip thousands of churches for a year of prayer in 2012.

Kingdom Come (KC) 2012 is being launched to engage churches in praying around the clock during the Olympics year and build on the success of the year of prayer in Scotland in 2010 and in Ireland this year.

“As the Olympic and Paralympic Games bring the nations to our door, we are calling upon God’s people to pray that the name of Jesus will be lifted high in our lands once again,” says Pete Greig, a founding champion of 24-7 Prayer.

To help churches get praying for mission and justice in the UK, 24-7 and Alpha have porduced a ‘KC:Toolbox’ full of free downloadable resources.

There will be numerous KC2012 prayer events throughout the year but Christians can also get involved by hosting their own events, such as a 24-7 prayer room or a prayer vigil in their homes.

Nicky Gumbel, Vicar of Holy Trinity Brompton says: “Kingdom Come 2012 is an exciting partnership between 24-7 Prayer and Alpha to support and mobilise prayer across the UK and Ireland next year.

“Prayer is the power behind our vision to see the re-evangelisation of our nations and the transformation of society. In 2012 we are going to be praying like never before.”

Christians from every denomination are already registering prayer walks, prayer rooms, prayer staking and prayer events on the website.

Follow the initiative at Facebook: KingdomCome2012 and Twitter @KingdomCome2012 or visit www.24-7prayer.co.uk/kingdomcome