
MU member appointed to board of Christian Aid

Sandra Dukelow, a parishioner of Kilmocomogue Union of Parishes, CorkDiocese, has recently been elected to the board of Christian Aid Ireland.
Sandra is a Diocesan lay Reader, a member of the Diocesan Council, General Synod and actively involved in the Mothers’ Union at a local and Diocesan level.  She has been a tireless worker for Christian Aid for many years in the parish and has been involved with the ‘annual hike’ and other Diocesan fundraising projects. Thanks to Sandra, this year for the first time, there was a Christian Aid stall at Durrus Fête.

This is a well deserved honour for Sandra and recognition of the role she has played in raising the profile of Christian Aid in the Diocese, in highlighting the excellent work that they do and in raising much needed funds for the poorest and most needy people in the world.