
Growing Youth Leaders in Derry and Raphoe

Up to fifty volunteer youth workers from across the Diocese of Derry and Raphoe have just come together for a special Training residential.

The venue for last weekend’s event was Arnold’s Hotel in Dunfanaghy. It was organized by the diocesan Board of Derry and Raphoe Youth.

Interestingly, when members of the Diocese of Derry and Raphoe were asked in a recent survey to identify some of the main growth areas for the future youth work came top of the list. Bishop Good, who visited the residential, talked of how impressed he was with the ‘energy and vitality of the youth leaders’.

Literally hundreds of people volunteer their time in youth work across the diocese. The type of work comes in a wide variety of guises from youth clubs, uniformed organizations and Sunday Schools. It benefits many young people both inside and outside the church.

A diocesan spokesperson talked of how the Training residential ‘brought together people from every part of the diocese, from both sides of the border and from urban and rural areas’. He continued, ‘It is passionate people that can make a difference. Judging by the passion and enthusiasm of the youth leaders they really want to make a difference.’

The emphasis of the residential was in helping young leaders to think though the principles of youth work as well as giving practical skills in planning programmes for young people.

Those who helped facilitate the residential include David Brown, who is Director of the Church of Ireland Youth Department as well as team members from YouthLink.