C of I briefs

Services and events this week.

The C of I correspondent to The Irish Times reports:

Today (Saturday) the Military and Hospitaller Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem will hold an investiture service in St Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin. In St Mary’s Cathedral, Limerick, there will be a free ‘Come and Sing Carols – Carols for All’ when people of all ages are encouraged to join in well known carols with the Cathedral choir and organ and the St Mary’s Prize Band.

Tomorrow (Sunday) morning in the context of the ‘Questioning Faith’ series of addresses at the 10.45am Choral Eucharist in the Chapel of Trinity College, Dublin, the former Dublin City University President Professor Ferdinand von Prondzynski, who is now Principal and Vice–Chancellor of Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, will speak on “In the Twenty–First Century how can the Religious and the Secular Co–exist in Harmony?”
In the afternoon, in St Patrick’s Cathedral, Canon Gregory Dunstan will be installed as
Dean of Armagh in succession to the Rt Revd Patrick Rooke who is now Bishop of Tuam, while in Christ Church Cathedral, Waterford, the Bishop of Cashel & Ossory will institute the Revd Maria Jansson to the incumbency of the parishes of Dunmore East, Tramore, Annestown and Waterford, and she will then be installed as Dean of Waterford.

Tomorrow (Sunday) evening at 6.30pm in St Mary’s church, Carlow, there will be concert by soprano, Yvette Connor, a former pupil of Kilkenny College, and the Carlow based choir, Cormiosa, to raise funds to damp proof the building, repair the stained glass and improve the lighting.

On Monday evening in the Shelbourne Hotel, Dublin, Miriam O’Callaghan, will launch Christ Church Cathedral’s major fund raising initiative, ‘A Bid to Save Christ Church’. This will be followed on Friday evening by a recital by the Cathedral Choir and Organist in St Fintan’s Church, Durrow at 8pm. An a auction in Sheppard’s Irish Auction House in Durrow and a Post Auction Ball and Dinner in Castle Durrow Country House Hotel will be held on Friday 16 December

Bishop Samuel Poyntz will preside at the Church of Ireland Theological Institute’s Advent Carol Service on Wednesday evening in St Nahi’s Church, Dundrum, while the Archbishop of Dublin is at Lambeth Palace for a conference on ‘The Presence of Faith: a Century of Anglican Engagement with World Religions’ which will continue until Friday.

On Thursday the Bishop of Cork will attend the meeting of the Ecclesiastical Law Society General Committee in London

See also C of I briefs posted on this site earlier this week