Church News Ireland – July 22

Image of the day – Wedding flowers

News –
C of I Commission to assess how housing crisis impacts throughout Ireland on church and its people
Rededication service for Londonderry WW1 officer
Anglican Communion Youth Network inaugural meeting of the Emerging Leaders Academy

Cathedral Calls –
St John’s Malone sing in Southwark

Clergy and ministry –
A big first in Mississippi
Service for Claire Trueman ‘true ambassador’ of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland
Consecration at York Minster

Webinars, music, resources, broadcasts, and books –
Disc of music by Dan Locklair
Ex Cathedra Student Scholars
Ceoltóirí Kilkenny preformances
Shadow-giving miracle

Speaking to the soul –
Short reading and a prayer – daily on this site

Click at – AA CNI JULY 22
