
Sing with John Bell

John Bell of the Iona Community works with churches and communities across the globe enabling the song of God’s people to come alive.  He is going to be leading two events in Northern Ireland in January 2012:

‘Old Songs and Interesting People’   Friday 20th January, 7.30pm
St John’s Newtownbreda, Ormeau Road, Belfast.  An evening of congregational song from across the centuries and across the world.  All welcome. Suggested donation of £5, at the door.

‘Let God’s People Sing’ Saturday 21st January
A workshop aimed at letting participants discover what helps and what hinders good congregational singing.  Material will come from across the world, centuries & traditions.  This event is limited to 50 places.  Cost is £15 (£10 concession).  To reserve a place contact Matt Scrimgeour at Corrymeela Ballycastle – mattscrimgeour@corrymeela.org – 2076 1726.

(If anyone wants any more information contact Catherine Vincent
9077 3676 / faredos@fsmail.net )